I'm going to try and review this without any spoilers, so it's going to be suuuuuper general. The tl;dr is it's awesome and you should see it RIGHT NOW. Even if it's not remotely conceivable, do it.
First of all: AWESOME. It really had the FEEL of original Star Trek. The people playing those beloved old characters all bore a superficial resemblance to them, but it was more that they really got the spirit of it. Spock was great, Scottie was wonderful, Chekov was adorable, Dr. McCoy was delightful, and Kirk was mind-bogglingly perfect. The effects were great and the writing was spot-on. The best thing, though, was that they really didn't skimp on the delightful sci-fi camp that the original Star Trek embodied, but instead of it all just being a knowing wink at the audience, it was really embraced and incorporated. At no point did it take itself way too seriously, thus avoiding subjecting itself to the mockery that otherwise would have been inevitable.
Understand, I only like my Star Trek with a healthy dose of Shatner. I make no apologies that the man is what I want to be when I grow up. (Though I could do with a little less bloat.) This movie managed to successfully replicate all the ridiculousness of Shatner's Star Trek and still be a legitimately entertaining movie.
And entertaining it was! I mean, seriously, this movie is GOOD. Like, actually good. It's exciting when it needs to be and funny when it's appropriate and there's no point at which I felt like rolling my eyes. I actually came out of it really genuinely liking all of the characters and their treatment in the film. There is nothing about it I would change and I'm so glad that I saw it. The only thing I wish I COULD change is my finances: I'd love to have a lot more money so I could freely go to the movies and not have it be some kind of huge event. It was really well-written and the direction was wonderful. It managed to feel very real in exactly the way the Star Wars prequels didn't. The ship's engine rooms? Full of pipes and wires! The buttons and lights seemed to actually make sense. The screens seemed to actually be full of information and not just LED lights. Everyone had an important intellectual contribution to the mission at hand; even (and occasionally especially) Uhura who DIDN'T just exist to be pretty.
I want a Chekov. And a Scottie. Kirk's probably got space-herpes, so I don't think I want him, but really, if I could have a little copy of everyone else, I'd be a happy me, indeed. This is something that I am going to make sure I squirrel my pennies away for so that I can buy it when it comes out.