Fallen off the planet

May 31, 2006 11:15

I have fallen off the planet?! The mid morning rant

BTW, I slept through field service this morning......oops. ^^;

Piggy Loli: Maia 
chibi_ice_wolf  sent out meh socks yesterday! I can't wait untill I get them! Then I can go fabric shopping on the  5th on June, because I'll get 90 bucks that day! ^^ Huzzah, things are going along well. Song is also letting me barrow a cute pair of her shoesies, I laff shoes, but I don't have any that would work for loltia that aren't 100+ dollars. X.x I wonder how much I should get for the loltia skirt, I'm thinking around you know 4 or 5 yards to be safe.


HP: HP = dead right now. It sucks, no one is really talking, but its okay, but the admin is a total ass anyway. He's a jerk and i hate him. He makes me absolutley sick, I don't care if anyone tells him that. Everyone knows he's a sleeze ball. Which is worse than a ball of boogers. How can someone be an admin when he doesn't have internet? Seriously, he needs to stop drinking, smoking, and get some fking underwear.....ugh....NASTY. I'm sorry, he's just gross. It seems the HP family will be breaking apart soon, everyone will go their seperate ways and thus HP will end. X.x I'm only on the board because of all my friends. I <3 and it's a good way to get in touch with them.


AJ:I've been talking  to him a lot. He's a really sweet guy. ^^ He's so nice, compliments even when i look gross. NO, we aren't dating. I have Anthony. I mean, I'm trying not to sound emo, but I totally like spaced out on the phone with him last night I kept saying "I keep creating a world of dreams" You know, my relationship is sucky sometimes. I mean, how bad does it suck when your boyfriend says: "I don't like kissing, I just don't like it. I use my mouth to eat" I mean, hey stab right in the chest. I mean I accept that that, but it just hurts? You know? Ah well, sorry for the rantiness

Tako: Thanks so much for calling me. I never said thankyou. I was in the car with a witness friend of mine and witnesses don't date so i had to use some weird wording. XD Anyway, I just wanted to say thankyou so much for calling me, it made me feel like someone actually READS my journal =D You get a jillion happy faces! =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D

I know it's not a jillion, but its a start! =D

Where was i, oh yeah, GUESS WHAT!? FREAKING 8 DAYS UNTILL I LEAVE FOR DISNEYLAND!!!!!! Be happy people.

Oh, here's my mini to do list:

- Fabric Shopping
- Register for Anime Expo
- Get socks in mail
- Get Shoes
-Unpack then re-pack for AX
- make to-do list(uhhh....done ^^)
- check list when packing for Anime Expo
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