What might be a wise idea would be to get yourself some financial aid and get back into school. Get into MCC's video production stuff. Get your ASA in that and you might be able to get a so-so job in a studio somewhere, even if it's just answering the phones and taking out the trash ... at least you'd be in an environment you'd enjoy more.
If you're unhappy, do what you need to be happy. Don't get yourself caught up in how. Just do it.
Comments 3
Hang in there, Stink!
What might be a wise idea would be to get yourself some financial aid and get back into school. Get into MCC's video production stuff. Get your ASA in that and you might be able to get a so-so job in a studio somewhere, even if it's just answering the phones and taking out the trash ... at least you'd be in an environment you'd enjoy more.
If you're unhappy, do what you need to be happy.
Don't get yourself caught up in how. Just do it.
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