So lovelies, a long time ago, in a galaxy very close to here, I had a lovely MP3 player. It was big (for the time 60GB baybeee!) and did just what was required, which was to store and play all our music, so it was Mup and Nic radio. We liked it very much. Sadly, while I was sitting at home like a large pregnant slug, too medicated to drive, I
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Comments 9
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I don't really care WHAT type of player I have, I just want to listen to my music and my lovely books... whine whine whine
I am looking at some houses this weekend, but mostly staying in bed knitting my faroese shawl.
This weekend? Not sure - swimming for the garklet, possibly the cinema too.
BUT, to be fair I am on my second ipod (first one didn't break, but ran out of room...) and love them. No touch, just classic.
login broken, but this was Alex... xxxxxxxxx
I don't like ipods, either, not just because it's I don't like Apple design but because of all the native crap you have to put up with. All I want is a player that acts as an external drive when I connect it. No software, no stupid itunes and especially no bloody DRM. As soon as I've bought some music, I want to be able to use it any way I like so I'm still using my old CreativeZen which is heavy as a brick.
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