Today was a demonstration for a customer at the same university as yesterday, and so I knew that I would have to drive back in the evening. So I got up early and started to write. I then wrote the final amount before the customer arrived. Demo finished early, so I was on the road just after 1300. Needed to stop and get some Korean fried chicken and noodles at a service station as was hungry. Flat was so cold when I arrived back, (water in the pipes were 12C/53F, so Flat was probably more like 7C/44F), so turned on heating and lay on couch in outside jacket and woolly hat for an hour before the flat warmed up. I was very glad that I had written the daily amount already, and just had a simple sweet porridge for dinner to be lazy.
Comments 5
Today was a demonstration for a customer at the same university as yesterday, and so I knew that I would have to drive back in the evening. So I got up early and started to write. I then wrote the final amount before the customer arrived. Demo finished early, so I was on the road just after 1300. Needed to stop and get some Korean fried chicken and noodles at a service station as was hungry. Flat was so cold when I arrived back, (water in the pipes were 12C/53F, so Flat was probably more like 7C/44F), so turned on heating and lay on couch in outside jacket and woolly hat for an hour before the flat warmed up. I was very glad that I had written the daily amount already, and just had a simple sweet porridge for dinner to be lazy.
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