Kay, so I am the world's biggest NaNo slacker. I know, big surprise. I just...I've been getting flashes, but no big long marathons of writing. I'm trying tonight. We'll see. In the meantime, here's the beginning. Maybe if someone looks at it I will be more motivated to write the frakkin thing.
Under a night sky smudged with haze and muddied by reflected city lights, the barge heaved and trundled its way up the river. The engines, distant as they were at the front of the craft, were barely audible as an intense, low-pitched hum propelling the barge and its cargo across the water. Thick, dirty clouds hung low in the sky, pretending to threaten rain; all the hues and shades of downtown’s lights reflected off of their underbellies and across the water in an oil slick of photons, one that split at the prow and was tossed back to the heavens in the froth of the barge’s wake.
Despite the ease with which sound carried over water, the river around the barge was quiet; the bars had closed up - even those on the Kentucky shore - and the noise of traffic coming from the bridges overhead was minimal. If any other boats were out on the water, they too were running without the safety of lights. Somewhere father downriver, Sani knew, the sister barge to her own floated, maneuvering into position for her part of their mission.
What they were perpetrating would have repercussions across the globe - Sani could feel it deep in her marrow. So many plans had been laid, developed from other schemes. The networking and communication involved had been staggering; finding the funding and the manpower to actually bring those ideas to fruition was a monumental achievement on par with building the Great Pyramids of Giza.
And when they were done… well, who could say what the world would look like?