Title: Star Trek: Two Hearts, One Soul
Author: NaomiPhoenix
Chapter(s): 5-?
Pairing: Kirk/Spock, Scotty/Uhura
Summary: The Federation is at risk of collapse as is Starfleet. Post STID.
Previous Chapter:
http://naomiphoenix.livejournal.com/8013.html Chapter Four
Battle of K-7, SB23 and Epsilon Hydrae - Approximately 4 months later
Despite having received multiple offers of pre-emptive removal from Sherman’s Planet, a few of the Federation citizens there, mostly those who made the most profit from the mining and agriculture, refused to leave. That was until the main body of the Klingon Warfleet began to amass at Kren, threatening to burn through the small Federation community at any moment. Suddenly those who had chosen to stay behind where now begging for rescue and the Enterprise, Bradbury and Columbia were sent to retrieve the strays. And when they got there, instead of co-operating to make the evacuation go as smoothly as possible, the planets’ Elite (as they liked to refer to themselves to) refused to bard any ship bar the flagship. Jim was about to tell them what they could to with their supposedly superior backsides, when news came through, the main Klingon Warfleet was on the move. Thanks to Uhura’s diplomatic skills, the people were reassigned and on board only 45 minutes later than planned.
Jim gritted his teeth. Hytec, High Administrator of Sherman’s Planet, had just stepped onto the bridge like he owned the place and had immediately started to complain about the ‘conditions he was being subjected to’ and how ‘rude the crew was’ because none of them would do more then give him direction to the mess when he ‘simply wanted the food to just be bought to him like it always was’.
“Mr Hytec...”
“It’s Administrator High-tech,” the pompous man over enunciated.
“Mr Hytec, you will remove yourself from the Bridge immediately or I will have you removed in cuffs and you will find new quarters in the brig. Do I make myself clear?” Jim replied.
“Sir, Bradbury reports they are engaged with a Klingon vessel in the SB23 System. They are also reporting that Columbia was attacked just before them as they were docking at K-7, Captain.
Ignoring Hytec’s spluttering, Jim returned to the centre chair, “Red Alert! Scan for any anomalies that could indicate cloaked ships and try and get Epsilon Hydrae on the comm,” he ordered.
“Really Captain, you are forgetting you have refugees on this ship. Flying into battle is...”
“We were on our way to Epsilon Hydrae, K-7 and SB23 when we were ordered to evacuate your people first. If you had left BEFORE with the majority, we may have been able to rescue these other people. As High Administrator, the blame stands with you. People trusted YOU and now you foolish decision has led to this. GET HIM OFF MY BRIDGE!”
“Epsilon Hydrae reports two D7 class Klingon Battle Cruisers and a K’t’inga-class Vessel firing on the planet, sir,” Uhura added. “Ground shields are holding for the moment.”
“All decks, Battle Stations. Epsilon Hydrae is under attack by three Klingon vessels. Prepare for a fire fight. Arm all torpedo bays. Target the weapons arrays of all vessels as soon as we are out of warp and fire.”
“Columbia reports they’ve taken out their attackers and are offering assistance.”
“Tell them thanks but to complete their mission first. We don’t know when the Warfleet will enter this sector.”
“Columbia acknowledges and says they’ll be on their way to us in twenty.”
“All right, you heard her. Let’s see if we can finish this in the next twenty minutes.”
“Exiting Warp in 5...4...3...2...1,” called Lt. DeSalle, Sulu’s replacement, as he bought them out of warp right on target. The first torpedo was fired less than five seconds later. Clipping the front of the nearest D7 port phaser. It misfired repeatedly before blowing, sending the vessel into a sideways spin. As if they did not know what was happening to their ship it began to return fire. By the time it had loaded and fired its own torpedo their rotation had them aimed at the bridge of the other D7 vessel.
“Wow, did you see...”
“Don’t get distracted. The K’t’inga is a far more powerful vessel then the D7’s.” And it was finally starting to react to their presence. “Let’s put the remaining D7 out of its misery first. Target the starboard phaser and main engine.” Two bright explosions later the D7 was dead in the water.
“Sir, the K’t’inga-class vessel is cloaking.”
“Target its last known location with proton torpedo’s, wide spread and fire.”
Onscreen, where there appeared to be empty space, one of the torpedos hit something, giving the illusion of space rippling.
“Target that area and fire again, wide spread.” This time three hit, forcing the K’t’inga vessel to de-cloak and began to fire back wildly before it had even gotten its phaser banks lined up with them.
“Okay, is it just me or does that reek of desperation?” Jim asked no-one in particular.
"They're undertrained and underprepared," DeSalle noted.
"Bait. Distraction," Uhura threw out.
"Take them offline. Chekov, what has the main body of the Klingon Warfleet been doing while we've been distracted by this lot?" The ship shook a little as the Klingon vessel finally lined up with them.
"Shields at 98%."
"Keptin, ze fleet is gone!"
"Admiral, at a guess the Klingons somehow got intel on where we were and what we were doing."
"But sending their own children to provide a distraction?!" Komack said incredulously.
"There's more. Dr McCoy has run some scans and they're all suffering from various levels of heavy metal and radiation poisoning. No one is talking though."
"What the hell do we do with hundreds of 6-10 year old Klingons?”
“Get them better first, then find homes for them. Send them to school and let them live out their lives like anyone else,” replied Jim.
“Shit Kirk, could you make it a bit harder for me to respect you?” joked Komack. Jim had the decency to blush, before becoming serious once more.
"There's more going on here then meets the eye, Admiral. This whole thing is beginning to reek of desperation. Something has happened inside the Klingon Empire and it's killing them."
"What are you suggesting Jim?"
"We go in and find out what the hell is going on."
"Well, it won't be you and the Enterprise. No Jim, don't argue with me. We need you where the public can see you. If you and that ship of yours were to just up and disappear, questions would be asked. You're Fleet Captain, for crying out loud. If you where to disappear, it would have a very negative effect on the war effect."
"It needs to be done."
"Not by you. I'll present your findings and suggestions to the rest of the Admiralty. For now, bring the Klingons to Starbase 11. Komack out."
Jim could not shake the feeling of dread that hung over him like a dark cloud.
Next Chapter: