Title: Star Trek: Two Hearts, One Soul
Author: NaomiPhoenix
Chapter(s): 8-8
Pairing: Kirk/Spock, Scotty/Uhura
Summary: The Federation is at risk of collapse as is Starfleet. Post STID.
Previous Chapter:
http://naomiphoenix.livejournal.com/8930.html “Don’t take too long, okay? I really need you here Spock. Taluhk nash-veh k’dular.”
Spock took a deep breath as he flicked off the recorded message, after watching it for the third time. HE then returned his hand to the seat’s arm, gripping it tight to keep himself from breaking something. They had been so close this time. Endeavour was on a direct course for Earth at this very moment, days away from reuniting Spock with Jim. And now, out of nowhere, there was a Vulcan Healer requesting Priority Transport and Endeavour was the closest available ship. This duty would take him mire then a fortnight to fulfil. With a heavy heart, he called for a course change,
In the typical Vulcan style, the Vulcan Healer was ready to beam up upon the Endeavour’s arrival.
“Sarlah etek dvin-tor (We come to serve).”
“Vu dvin dor etwel (Your service honours us),” the Healer responded. To Spock’s surprise the Elder took hold of his chin and more his head around, inspecting him from multiple angles, “You are not experiencing sufficient respite,” he stated.
“I have not seen my t’hy’la in sometime. Our reunion should have taken place presently. This mission has delayed it.”
“You have found your t’hy’la?’
“I have.”
“Come young one. I wish to converse with you further.”
Once Tolvok was settled in his temporary quarters, he sat down at a small table and chair set with Spock and a cup of sheekuya na’na.
“Your parents, did they survive?”
“My father did.”
S’ti th’laktra (I grieve with thee). Your mother was an extraordinary being.”
“She was.”
“More than you know,” the Healer said, more to himself than to Spock.
“You are aware your mother experienced multiple miscarriages before your conception.”
“I am. She miscarried twice.”
Negative. She miscarried three times. None of the embryos I implanted survived.”’
“Impossible. I exist.”
“Not due to my work. You are the IDIC child. The impossible made possible, I think, by the emotional connection between your parents.”
“I was naturally conceived?”
“There is no other explanation for your existence.”
“Why have you not spoken of this previously?”
“The conception of an artificially create hybrid child sparked an array of debates. Had your family been any other than the First House it would not have been allowed to be attempted. IF it had been discovered back then that you were of natural conception...”
Spock rose, taking several steps way from the table, from the Healer, “I fathered a child. Son, who I am lead to believe loved a full life.”
“Time travel?”
“Affirmative. His mother was neither human, nor Vulcan.”
“Fascinating. The viability of hybrid children could mean much for our people.” The Healer appeared to ponder for a while and Spock settled himself back into the chair, “Your t’hy’la, male or female?”
“So you have no inclination towards further offspring?”
“We have not discussed it. I cannot say for certain whether we would approach a surrogate in the future.”
“I think perhaps we have much more to discuss.”
The Dou’se Process, an incredible medical procedure discovered on the world of Bheanee when scientists reverse engineered the reproductive process of a small repto-marsupial, native to their home world. When its population had neared extinction, to Dou’se males suddenly evolved a way to not only to continue to father offspring but to also carry viable pregnancies also.
Spock lay on a bio-bed in the Endeavours Medbay, his middle acing. One of his hands rested on the patch of pearl-white scales that now covered his navel.
Endeavour stayed in orbit around Uzh-T’Khasi long enough to see Tolvok off before making its way, at best possible speed, to Earth.
“So are you going to tell me what you were doing in Medbay?”
“Okay, it’s nothing to do with your time is it?”
“It is not.”
Sulu looked more than just a little relieved. “Oh, thank the Great Bird. I honestly have no idea how to deal with that.”
Spock’s eyes sparkled; giving away he was amused by his friend’s reaction.
“But you are okay, aren’t you?”
“Be assured Hikaru, I am well.”
Jim threw his glasses none-too-gently onto his desk as he finally finished his paperwork. He dragged himself over to the nursery to check on Batlh, who was happily sucking away at thin air. HE shed his clothes, leaving a trail from the nursery door to his preferred side of the bed and fell asleep as soon as he had tucked himself in.
Endeavour arrived hours ahead of schedule and with a little convincing very quietly. A lucky meeting with Hendroff sent Spock directly to Jim’s apartment. His own personal code allowed him quick access and he found his t’hy’la sound asleep. Before he could truly become aware of his actions, he stripped bare and crawled into the bed. Once his mind had caught up with his body, he froze, hesitant about Jim’s reaction to his presence. Did he truly still feel the same after so long apart? Jim rolled over to face Spock and all his fears were lost. Spock leant forward, touching his lips to Jim’s lax ones. From the touch of their lips Spock was able to read warm feelings from Jim. Resting his hand on Jim’s to keep the connection going he darted out his tongue, catching Jim’s top lip momentarily. The warmth sparked and became arousal. When Spock moved in for a third kiss Jim returned it and then he woke up. With a gasp Jim pulled away, scrambling to sit up, rapidly blinking the sleep from his eyes.
“Ah t’hy’la.”
Jim reached out to touch him, not really believing what he was seeing. Spock met him halfway, bringing their hands together in the ozh’esta. “It is you.” And Jim was on him, surrounding him, touch burning through his skin to Spock’s very core.
And it was perfect.
The first light of the new day drew Spock from his sleep. At Some point during the night they had tumbled onto the floor and had come to rest there. Spock stretched, revelling in the twinges of his muscles reminding him what had caused their strain had been most pleasant.
“Qual se tu? (is it you?)” Jim had awoken also.
“Ah.” They kissed, touched, giving oxygen to the embers still burning from a few hours ago. Then a little noise came from another room.
“Oh, how could I forget?!” Jim scrambled throwing the sheets and Spock off in the middle of one very heated kiss and disappeared into an adjoining room. Spock, although a little stunned, followed a few moments later.
“Ha’tha ti’lu (good morning) Batlh.” Spock entered the room to find Jim holding an infant in his arms. “I’ve been wanting to make this introduction for weeks but it didn’t feel right doing it through a pre-recorder comm video.” Jim walked over to Spock and it was then that he saw her ears. “Spock, this is Batlh. Batlh this is Spock, your sa-mekh.” She cooed as if saying hello, fascinated by this new person who reached out to caress her face.
“rQara is her mother. I can see it in her face.”
“Yes.” Jim explained what had taken place on Taamar after Spock had made his escape. “Batlh means honour.”
“You are not angry with me? For betraying our betrothal?”
“No. You saved a life Spock. I cannot fault you for that. I’d have done the same in your place.” Then Jim smiled. “Speaking of betrothals Spock, do you want to take the next step and make it a marriage?”
There was not a dry eye among those present at their little ceremony, with the exception of Batlh, who seemed more interested in Uhura’s round belly then her father and now step-father giving each other their vows.
“Kan’bu,” Batlh squealed with delight recognising instantly what it was she was seeing held in her sa-mekh’s arms. “Lancee-lot?”
“No, this isn’t your friend Lancelot Scott, ashaya. This kan-bu is your sa-kai (brother), Batlh. His name is Solkar.” Jim took one of her hands and rested .
“Sool-car takov (pretty).”
Dedicated to rose_erato. Thank you so very much for your kind comments