So I was watching the Lion King and I have seen it somewhat recently but for some reason this time around I decided to analyze it. That was a mistake. I just kept going and going and it was a horrible horrible hole I dug myself into. But anyway this is what I figured out and shut up if you had already thought of this. I'm sure someone has.
The Lion King is one big interpretation of the birth, death and rebirth of Christ. Ok so in the beginning Simba is baptized with the whole coconut smear and sand on his head. Then, when Simba is trying to figure out who he is, his father, with the booming voice of James Earl Jones, comes out of the clouds in a God-like way and tells him that he is his son, son of god, and the one true king of the lions. The Lion's point of view of Simba's story is very Christ-like because to them, he really did die and then once he came back they were all "It's like you're back from the dead". I don't know if Scar is supposed to be the devil or just sin in general but once he is defeated "paradise" is returned to the lions.
Also it is very very obvious how painfully phallic "pride rock" is. God the name itself... need I say more.