Sooo I went with
fortressmaximus to go see Monsters vs Aliens. It was totally cute. BOB was hilarious. The aliens were retarded and amusing.
After that we went back to his house and played some wii before heading back out to get dinner and some movies. We ended up renting the day the earth stood still, Role Models and The Spirit (which is the order we watched them in too!).
the day the earth stood still was very similar to the original. It was a pretty good movie, though I was hoping someone would have smacked that little boy around. He was just way to annoying. >.<
Role Models was pretty funny. We watched the unrated version, so there was an excess of cussing. It also had many manyMANY innuendos.
The Spirit. I didn't even finish this movie. I didn't like it at all. -_-
and my mini-not-so-helpful movie rambling is over. Mai brein eez ded.