guess who's living here with the great undead [irc log]

Nov 29, 2007 12:49

<* Stefan` takes an old leather bag out of one of his coat pockets; said leather may or may not be human in origin. WHO'S TO SAY. (This typist. It is.) Said bag goes on table, presuming there is one in the room, humming fainting.

* Maria settles down in one of the chairs, resting her elbows on the table. "Aww, they're noisy little guys." Maria will be your BEST FRIEND, little bone-runes.

"Not usually to this degree."  Stefan eyes the bag spitefully.  It's all sort of a wonderful cycle where they act up when they should not, so he should stop carrying them with him, but he'll never do that.  It's just one of life's little jokes that the person they belonged to was kind of a squirrely little bratty guy in life and continues to be so here.

There is, of course, a /reason/ for this.  He eyes her festive band-aids.  "You get those shaving?"  ...yes, shaving her arms.

* Maria likes squirrelly little bratty guys, which is why she spends a lot of time pursuing a man who would like to KILL HER. "Nooot quite, although there isn't a woman on this earth who wouldn't kill for such a precise razor! No, I was...surrendering a little blood in an organized and not at all harried fashion." Hahaha meaning: she's lucky they're in straight lines.

* Stefan` does that wince-smile thing again. "Yeah, they do like blood." Pause for affectionately hateful glower. "And they seem to want to talk, but that's up to you."

"I'd listen," she says, immediately, both because she's curious and because she's betting they have interesting things to say, "Of course.  Did you name them?" She tends to name these things but, uh, that probably differs for Garou.

It is, especially for Get of Fenris!  What with being all pissy about the Fianna after a trillion years, still.  "They already had names.  The symbols do, I mean, at least as far as we can guess.  They say the original meanings are lost, but then meaning's what you make of it, isn't it?"  Stefan proffers the bag!  "It helps if you have a specific question in mind."

"Supposedly! And oh, I've got one." After the past few days? Does she ever! She smiles and peers at the bag.  "Any particular instructions? I'd hate to offend them!"

"Make sure you put them on the table the same direction they came out of the bag.  They'll know if you try to cheat.  And so will I."  Apparently, we are someone's lecturing uncle now.  "Think about whatever it is, if you want to say it out loud you can but it's not required!  Take three, put them down on the table right to left.  Simple, right?"  ...totally.

"Cheating? Moi?" Don't try to speak French, honey, your languages are Arabic, Spanish, and swearing.  "Sure!" She carefully takes three runes and puts them down in order, and makes sure to brush her thumb over the back of each rune before she sets them down.  So they know her.

* Stefan` smiles at that. Mildly. "Don't worry, they already like you better than they like me. You want to tell me what your question is?"

* Maria draws little patterns on the tabletop with her fingertip. Um. "I'm trying to help someone. A lot of someones, guy in particular." PS Whoever this 'guy' is, as if we don't know, her inexplicable fondness for him is clearly at least the size of a small city at this point. "I wanted to know if I would. If I can. Is that too specific?"

"Nothing is too specific.  Or too vague, really.  This isn't--it's not fortune telling.  They don't know any better than you do.  What we're doing is looking at cause and effect to tell us how to get you the best outcome.  Make sense?"  He touches each rune with a forefinger, eyes hooding.

"Mmhmm." Watching relatively quietly is now.  She's acquainted with the seers, who are a different sort of witch--her kind are all blood and herbs and treachery, too, to an extent none of the outside witches seem to realize.  (Seriously, girl can make actual fully functional humans out of /flowers/, her coventhing is strange.)

"This is you, as you are now."  Down to business, then!  "Fehu."  Fay-who, all the way there on the right.  He tilts his head, like a curious dog--oh how appropos.  "Would you say you're a generous person, Maria?"

"Sometimes excessively," she says, brightly, but she's clearly intrigued.  Uh oh.

"Then I haven't lost my touch."  Since you did this...for yourself, this morning, Stefan.  "It's wealth, if you want specifics, but we're not talking about money so I won't bore you with that.  Call it compassion.  Spiritual abundance -- you can't /lose/ it, it's like a well that'll never run dry.  But there's a caution against wasting it on someone who won't appreciate it."  He doesn't make any particular judgments there, because uh...that's not part of how this works.

* Maria ..........looks as if this might strike her as true, oh yes, but also very stubborn because even if that One Guy doesn't appreciate it he /needs/ it, okay. "Very practical, to include that."

* Stefan` laughcoughs a little, briefly covering his mouth with one twisted hand. "I aim to please." Like fuck you do, sir! Generally you aim to....idk, make stuff bleed. Not right now, however. "This is your obstacle. Algiz." Awl-geeze. (Not 'oh geez,' haha.) "Protection--well, one of them. A lot of these guys are about protection. In this case it's about protecting you--see the way it looks a little like a rake?  It's reaching up to the divine.  Whatever that is for you, I won't presume to know."  His eyes narrow for a second.  "That can go different ways.  You might be the protection, or you might need it.  It's about whether you can help this guy without losing yourself."

* Maria is briefly kind of stunned, which makes her more direct about what's going on than she probably ought to be. "Oh, well. He wants to kill me. Aside from the sex. And, um..." She laughs, wry for a few seconds. "He yells at me to take care of myself. I guess I confuse him. So yeah, that's dead on!"

"Is the sex that bad?"  It's great when Stefan jokes about stuff he has no idea about.

* Maria giggles so hard. "Nah, or else I wouldn't still be chasing him!" This is a lie.
* Maria would still chase Alex if he thought sex were like how it is in japanese porn. ><

Oh come on, even STEFAN knows that's not how it is.


She will be someday!  Where are we.  MOVING ON.

Right, runes.

"Helping him might be taking better care of yourself, then.  But this is just--call it a guideline.  Like the speed limit."  Wolfygrin.

* Maria grins right back. "I always considered the speed limit one of those rules that only exist when there's a cop car in a vicinity." Also she doesn't have a car, but sometimes people with poor judgment let her drive theirs!

"I'm sure the police appreciate that."  Every pan within a 400 mile radius is now dead.  "This is a /very/ skeletal reading, by the way, but the last one here, what we can call the best outcome is Odal.  Or Othila, they've all got different names.  Either way the meaning's the same."   He smiles faintly, and on someone else it might look wistful.  On Stefan, it's just bitter, sry3say.  "Inheritance--home.  Family.  It's all...tied together.  Your spiritual home, your family's strength--that's a lot to want to give someone."  He looks at her scrutinizingly.  "I hope it's worth it."
................Stefan, you're going to kill that guy, you bastard.

"I think it is.  He might disagree, but--" She shrugs, smile small but good-natured.  She said she wanted to be his friend, and friends get all she has to offer, you see.  "I'm stubborn." The family thing has implications she doesn't get.  Maybe she will later on, who knows.  This requires much thinking about.
* Maria really HAS to be stubborn to do this for a guy who does not like her and that she doesn't know real well, yes. >_>

"I can see that."  :|, he says, with maybe another faint trace of a smile.  Maybe.  Fleeting.  "Good luck to you, then."  He slides the runes across the surface of the table and into his other hand a little awkwardly; they're sore.  "That answer your question?  As well as we can, anyway."

"Yeah, I think so." She muses it over a second longer, and then pulls her elbows off the table like she's got more of a semblance of manners than she really does.  "Thank you! And them."

"You're welcome."  :]  Shall they go back out to the main room?

Clearly, they should! She will even skip, because she is eighteen going on seven, apparently.

* Stefan` ....will walk. Stoically.
[[Maria already has a log of this up, so you may see it twice. :3 I just like keeping track of runestuff, for my own purposes.]]

wiley, irc, grif, maria, ooc, rune-reading

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