I'm baccccccccccccK

Nov 04, 2011 00:54

Ugh i have been so sick and messed up from that medicine my doctor had to wean me off of. I'm seeing an ENT doctor now though and no more nasty steroids for me. That was an experience i want to forget. Hubby and i just watched Dinotopia for the second time. I so want that movie. Hugs to my Sis in Law for letting me borrow it. I loved Astronaut Farmer too. Billy Bob was cool in that. Me and Ass are gawking at John Kusack lately....WTF is up with that. Didn't see that coming. I watched Reign Over Me and 1408 too yesterday. Not long now until Amazing Grace. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Ioan drool!!!!!! I am so getting that movie. I just spent an hour on James Franco sites getting some photos. Some shots of him are actually Tor worthy....i think. I'll have to play with them a bit. I did a dark haired Legolas last night but am still not happy with it. I did a really decent Mads/Tris nude before i got sick on that med. I made 109 dolalrs at Sis in laws and my yard sale we had last Saturday. I think she made around 120. So we did pretty good for just having junk we wanted to get rid of. I actually think i may have accidentally sold one of my favorite Orli posters though. I sold one that i had no room for but i think there may have been the other one stored underneath it in the same frame so the girl that bought it is clueless that she has 2 instead of one. I need to check though under my Legolas posters. It may be inside one of them. Sinbad is not feeling well. I'm worried. He has fallen a couple times this past day like his one hind leg is hurting. He has not been active enough to hurt it by jumping off of anything nor has he been up high on anything. His age is getting the best of him. He is getting slower each passing day. I watch the once goofy sporting cat who once chased birds and every cat in the neighborhood slowly fade. I know he's at least 17 but i fear he had more years on him than i thought when i first got him. One thing is for certain, he has had a good life. He has been through so much with me. Truly my favorite pet, ever. I love all of my pets but Sinbad has always been my constant angel. I had a complete blood workup done on him last year and all of his organs were functioning fine and he was doing quite well. He seems healthy enough now except for the pain in his legs and back. He is due for his shots in a week so i'll see what the vet says then.
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