27th Rajab: The Night when the Lover and the Beloved met without any veils. Even Gabriel (alayhisalam) was left behind at the Lote Tree as Our Master sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam carried on by himself, unique and without equal in all of Creation until he met with His Lord and spake with Him. His eyes did not waver! That is his unique station!!
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Comments 4
I recently came across a poem by Rumi that included a dialogue between Prophet Musa and this poor shephard (don't really remember his occupation.) Anyway, the shephard talks to Allah about braiding His hair, how his goats are Allah's goats, etc. Prophet Musa then scolds him because Allah does not have hair and how dare he attribute human characteristics to Allah? But Prophet Musa then hearts from Allah not to scold him because the poor guy loves his Lord. A friend of mine told me that this poem was expanded from an event that took place in a Surah in the Quran. I haven't been able to find it, but do you have any knowledge if this instance took place?
A good place to ask would be http://www.dar-al-masnavi.org on the forum there.
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