Title: Xenophobia (Part 2)
Pairing: Kyuhyun/Donghae
Author: Skipturnstep
Rating: R (for language)
Genre: Romance
Words: 3,098
Summary: Sequel to Through Sickness and Health, post-Super Junior. Kyuhyun decides that moving to New York City was the biggest mistake of his life.
I'm not psychic. )
Comments 33
can't wait for the next update! ^^
I want to sob and wail over this. HOW CAN IT BE LIKE THIS WHEN DONGHAE EXPERIENCED FIRST-HAND WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE TREATED THAT WAY? Argh! But I do hope to see him do some grovelling to get Kyuhyun back because he's already starting to realize that he's been a fucktard and a major idiot. Once again, thank you, Hyukjae, you go and talk some sense into Donghae.
Please forward a bear hug from me to Kyuhyun, yes? And a kick in the shin to Donghae, a high-five to Hyukjae, and sobbing, fangirly flailing for his sheer loyalty and awesomeness to Sungmin, okay? xD
I hope the comments give you the energy to write the next part soon, I'd love to read it, even though I'll probably end up almost-sobbing in front of my laptop again. ^^
Haven't I told you that my Donghae is dumb? And Eunhyuk is the voice of reason.
And said bear hug, kick in the shin, high-five and flailing have been forwarded to respective parties :D
I'm about halfway done with the next part, expect it in a few days \o/
You have, but I'm in a stage of denial. I want him to stop being stupid about this because he's ruining the happy ending, dammit. I kinda want the other guys to be mean to him now since they gave Kyuhyun such a hard time over his mistake. :( Ah, well, it doesn't matter as long as Donghae does some proper grovelling, I guess. Because he's so intense and wonderful when he focuses on one thing alone. He should listen to me, I'm a voice of reason as well. xD
Lol, good. They deserve it. xD
Oh God, you're making me so happy! :D No matter how depressing your stories can be, the fantastic writing makes me happy in the end! \o/
XD Don't worry! Trust me, everything will be handled one way or another! eventhoughitmaynotbetheendingyouexpect >_>;
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