Name: Vincent Nightlay
Age: 23, timeline skew excepted. ish.
Eyes: One red, one gold.
Medical Info: Narcoleptic! It's not caused medically, rather by his chain, which he isn't very good at controlling - the Dormouse takes advantage of him whenever he gets distracted, and he ends up falling asleep. He has complete heterochromia as well - his eyes are naturally two different colours.
Physical traits: BUILT LIKE YOUR AVERAGE TOOTHPICK IS BUILT. Rather short as well. IS A PRETTY PRINCESS idk. Tends to wear frock coats.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Whatever you like! It may not end well for you. Vincent's a schemer.
Abilities: It's a ~mystery.~
Notes for the Psychics: he is nowhere near so smiley and pleasant on the inside as on the outside. While he seems altogether charming and pleasant ♥, he is not quite such a nice person. He's unstable and occasionally a touch on the side of dangerous. He has a "chain" lurking about a consciousness, which looks like a big mouse with its eyes stitched closed.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: YES, but talk to meeeee
Hugging/Kissing/Other non-violent physical contact: Sure!
Maim/Murder/Death: WE'LL TALK ♥ unless you are Xerxes Break wherein the answer is always cockblock. ilu aj.
Cooking: is what Echo is for. ♥ HI ECHO