Title: You're Two Metres Shy of Being a Giraffe
Author: Narcoleptic_ll (Narkito)
Characters: Sherlock, John, Lestrade
Rating: PG-13, because of some mild violence. // Gen-fic
Word Count: 2051~
Summary: Sherlock and John take a tumble down the stairs in the heat of fist fight. Lestrade makes and effort to make some sense of the facts.
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Comments 4
And yeah, fist fight amongst friends? it *has* to end in giggling, of course :)
And of course, a fist fight amongst friends must end in giggling! Any other way is a tragedy of epic proportions. :)
How're you tonight, narcoleptic_II?
School still not over! And all the professors sort of winzipped their classes but still want us to do the same amount of work in a fraction of the semester, a term usually lasts 4 months and we're doing this one in 2! D:
Sorry to sort of "burden you" with this, but I MUST RANT! xDDD
I'm on the border of collapse and so tired I no longer have synonyms inside my head, I'm writing all of my reports and essays with the same 800 basic words, words like additionally, plausible and albeit drip out of the pages I'm turning in xDDD
I even have tests on Saturday mornings (8:30AM), I no longer have a life!
However, on the gentler side, every time I get super stressed I put my text books aside and start writing, writing and cooking relaxes me, btw. So, I'm moving forward with a story I had on the back burner about Sherlock and Asperger's (however, with the synonym absence thingie I'm not quite sure how it's turning out xD).
And this is where I stop. So, how have you been?
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