tv tropes.

Nov 22, 2011 07:49

Anime Hair: Most ridiculous hair style of the trolls, and pretty much any character in the comic.
A Love to Dismember: He was apparently romantically interested in Tavros, and after his death, decapitated the body. He is seen carrying the head around with him and kissing it sporadically during his conversation with Dave.
The Archer: By the time he meets Equius after he goes crazy, he found a bow and had gotten to the point where he could land multiple dead-on shots against towering beasts.
Ax Crazy: His Face Heel Turn in Act 5 Act 2 has single-handedly turned the trolls' asteroid into a slasher flick. He got better before the end of the act.
Badass: He took down a skyscraper-size beast by aiming two arrows with his bow into its eyes! Sadly, this trait reliably shows when soberly Ax Crazy.
Berserk Button: Yes, Gamzee actually has one. What is it? The "Miracles" music video by Insane Clown Posse, which he describes as BlAsPhEmY!!
Beware the Nice Ones: Despite his pleasant, dopey personality, Karkat reveals that Gamzee pretty much trashed the Black King during their fight. And now Gamzee is in the state of mind to use all of that power against his friends.
Beware the Silly Ones: Hell. Yes.
Blood Lust: Inherited

Blue Blood: Well, technically it's indigo blood, but it has the same implications. Averted in that he's pretty chill for a hereditary aristocrat. Played straight later on when he accepts his role as the heir to the Subjugglators, a line of trolls meant to subjugate the rest of the troll race, and starts calling people peasants and commanding them to kneel before him.
Catch Phrase: mOtHeRfUcKiNg MiRaClEs.
The Chessmaster: Now manipulating everyone by pretending to be everyone else, notably getting Terezi to stab Vriska.
Chekhov's Gun: The Vast Honk prophesied by his religion turns out to be the summoning of Lord English, the counterpart to the Vast Croak.
Cluster F-Bomb: Drops a swear at least every other sentence. Comes across as one of the nicest trolls despite this (and despite being a Juggalo, too).
Confusion Fu: Fitting with him being a clown. His Jokerkind Strife Deck gives him access to any weapon he carries, so he's pretty unpredictable. Nobody is quite sure what he did to The Black King that messed him up so badly either.
Cool Bike: A rocket unicycle.
Probably even less easy for him to ride than his normal unicycle, as it is still too tall for him and the rockets seem to be in the way of the pedals, but still, who wouldn't want one?
Cool Down Shoosh-Pap: Gets a very comforting one
from his true moirail Karkat which seems to calm him down permanently (or at least until the Critical Moment).
Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Ended up doing more damage to the Black King than anyone else in a single attack. And Aradia and Sollux redirected meteors to attack and he still did more damage. Stops crouching when he runs out of slime.
Cute and Psycho: He's like this when speaking in lower case, generally sounds more disarming, and always uses happy smiles, sometimes winking ones. Still equally as chaotic evil as the other counterpart.
Dangerously Genre Savvy: Enough to know that he can easily put Terezi on the wrong path by implicating Vriska for the various murders.
Decapitation Presentation: With the heads of Equius, Nepeta, Tavros, Eridan, and Feferi while playing Judge of the Motherfucking Jury.

The Ditz
Dissonant Serenity: His usual personality. He's pretty chill with the fact that Sollux died. When he's talking in lower case, he's pretty much chill with everything including his desire to murder everyone he knows.
Easily Forgiven: At least by Karkat
Evil Costume Switch: Or at least, typing style switch. When sober, He GoEs FrOm TyPiNg LiKeThIs to alternating between all lowercase THEN GOING ALL MOTHERFUCKIN CAPS KARKAT STYLE. At times during his sober murder rampage, he donned Terezi's pointy red shades, Nepeta's cat hat and Equius' sunglasses. Even before being calmed by Karkat, he ditched or lost all
three, but the smeared makeup and facial gashes from Nepeta's claws linger on as a reminder of his stint as a villain.
Eye Take: Shared with Vriska
in surprise to...someone walking.
Face Heel Turn: In fairness, it's not like he had much choice in the matter.
Heel Face Turn: However, Karkat eventually manages to calm him by becoming his moirail.
Faith Heel Turn: Seen here
. He really didn't take that video well...
Flash Step: Rivals
in this

Fragile Speedster: See above, then see Glass Cannon below.
Friendly Enemy:

TC: bUt NoW wE kInD oF sEtTlEd DoWn AnD mE aNd ThE iMpS aRe ShArInG sOmE pIe.
TC: tHeSe MoThErFuCkErS aRe PrEtTy DoPe AcTuAlLy, I lIkE tHeM.
Fluffy the Terrible: "Gamze" is a real-world name that means "Dimple".
Four Eyes, Zero Soul: How he got Equius' sunglasses classify him for this trope.
From Nobody to Nightmare
A God Am I: When sober he believes himself to be both of the mirthful messiahs prophesied by his religion.
Good Scars, Evil Scars
Groin Attack: The well-deserving victim of one.

Heterosexual Life Partners: With just about everyone at this point. Now subverted hard, as the only thing he wants to do with them is make fingerpaintings out of their blood. Eventually culminated in Ho Yay between him and Tavros in this update.

I Ate What?: Likes to sneak tastes of SOPOR SLIME PIE, which shouldn't be eaten by trolls. It does weird stuff to their head, which may explain a lot about him. In his case it's a good thing as it keeps his split personalities merged.
I Got Better: Emotionally speaking.
In the Blood: After sobering up he states to Karkat here
motherfuckers."Inventory Management Puzzle: He doesn't understand how it works, nor does he care to learn. He just captchalogues stuff to watch the lights. He deserves points for being the second character to use the most obvious solution
for such an abstract modus (Rose was technically the first).
Irony: Unlike the rest of the trolls his personality is the polar opposite of his zodiac sign - Capricorns are supposed to be greedy, antisocial, and ambitious while Gamzee is a Friend to All Living Things Love Freak Defector from Decadence - when high on sopor slime. When sober, you can't get much more greedy, antisocial, and ambitious than wanting to "subjugglate" your entire species (all six(?) of them) by brutally murdering everyone.
Juggalo: The troll analogue of one.
Kneel Before Zod
Laser-Guided Karma: He kills a troll nicknamed "centaursTesticle," then Kanaya appears, and nut shots him!
Leitmotif: mIrAcLeS
and later Blackest
. Even just honking in general is very associated with Gamzee.
Lethal Joke Character: He seems harmless enough, but apparently what he did to the Black King in the troll session was the single most damaging move in the battle, outweighing even Vriska's final blow. His role in the story fits as well, given certain developments. Made moreso by his revelation of his new Strife Deck, Jokerkind, which gives him the ability to wield any item. The Joker is the wild card.
Love Freak
Love Makes You Crazy: It's implied that one of the contributing factors in his losing it was seeing the dead body of someone he wanted to court with.
Mad Artist

TC: and paint the wicked pictures with your motherfuckin blood.
Madness Mantra:

TC: honk
Meaningful Name: Makara is the Indian equivalent of Capricorn. Makara means blessed. He's the Dark Messiah. On the other hand, Gamzee derives from a common Turkish name and was suggested after a fan's name in real life. His Trollian account name is terminallyCapricious, where capricious means "prone to sudden mood swings." Given his sudden turn for the quite insane now that he's gotten all the slime out of his system, and the likelihood that he has (or will soon have) terminated the lives of some of his former friends, his name seems quite apropos... Karkat gave the kids' universe cancer, but Gamzee made it
Measuring The Marigolds: Takes this attitude toward any kind of knowledge, from computer science to lemonade recipes. He also has a captchalogue that operates via "Miracle Modus"; he has absolutely no idea how it works, and doesn't want to know.
Messy Hair
Mind Rape: His innate psychic power due to his indigo blood is to insert things into people's subconscious, usually in the form of hatred, which also makes said thing real in their Dream World. He's done this twice that we've seen: he gave John a clown doll, and to Dave he gave Lil' Cal. It's implied he did the same to Jade and Rose as well.
Heart Is an Awesome Power: It's implied that with proper application of his powers, you can make a person go insane.
Modest Royalty / Rebel Prince: He's only a smidge away from Eridan and Feferi's castes, but he doesn't act or look like it and doesn't seem to care about blood color - until he's sober.
Monster Clown: Looks the part, and collects posters of them. He also has juggling clubs, a unicycle and a load of horns. Subverted, however, due to his genial, friendly personality. He seems to have rubbed off on Karkat to an extent. Now played straight.
Mood Whiplash: Suddenly appears for a second in the otherwise silly "[S] All: Behold the glory of Zillyhoo" flash about to Warhammer the Zillyhoo out of Karkat (or give it to him a present, it can work either way). At the very end of his Motive Rant at a very confused past Dave for ruining his faith he suddenly starts flirting with him and asks if he wants to rap. "They both then proceeded to have one of the best rap-offs in the history of paradox space."
No Medication For Me: It may be improper for a troll to eat sopor slime pie, but Gamzee needs it... or else he remembers that he's one of the descendants of the Subjugglators, and both of his Split Personalities are crazy.
Not So Harmless
Omnicidal Maniac: As if Eridan's Face Heel Turn wasn't bad enough, Gamzee has suddenly decided to recall that he's a Subjugglator, and he has decided to assert his rightful authority... by killing all the other remaining members of his species.
Parental Abandonment: Gamzee's lusus was never around to teach Gamzee anything. It's easy to assume that he had almost never seen him in his entire life and wasn't fed properly, taught any common sense, or how to control his anger. But Gamzee still goes outside each and every day, "keeping an eye out for the Old Goat." And then Karkat's curse makes his lusus die.
Daddy Had A Good Reason For Abandoning You: The Old Goat probably knew that Gamzee was homicidal and completely crazy from early on, and left him alone so that he would eat Sopor Slime and live a more or less normal life. Unfortunately, it's difficult to
discern whether he went crazy first and was abandoned later, or if it was the other way around.
Aww, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other: Gamzee holds his lusus as he dies.
Plucky Comic Relief: Not anymore.
Power Limiter: The sopor slime that Gamzee was shoving down his gullet kept his sociopathic Split Personality in check. Too bad he just ran out...
Reflective Eyes: Shown here
fondly regarding Jadesprite's prototyping off the computer screen.
Religion of Evil / Kill 'Em All / Together in Death / Murder Is the Best Solution: This is what (sopor) Gamzee actually belives.
TC: I PeEpEd oN A PlAcE Of 6 tRiLlIoN HeMoS
TC: AlL Up aT OnE RoCk, BlEeDiNg aS EqUaLs
TC: It's eAsY To sEe iF YoU SeArCh aLl yOuR FeElInS
TC: ThAt pEaCe hApPeNs fIrSt, AnD MuRdEr's tHe sEqUeLSubjugglators make "humorous" sacrifices in anticipation of the Vast Honk
(i.e. Lord English).
Serial Killer: When sober.
Shipper on Deck: Appears to ship Karkat/Terezi here
Shout Out: To the Insane Clown Posse
.  He's become a murderous Monster Clown who caused one of his victims to die with a smile on his face, wears smeared makeup all over his now scarred face. Oh, and his trademark colour is purple. Sound like anybody you know? After taking a graceful swan-dive off the deep-end, he describes his former "mental instability" and sums up his new-found "lucidity" to Karkat thusly:

TC: and the floor all stares up back at you through the motherfuckin hole.

The Slacker
Slasher Smile: With his Face Heel Turn, his partially-shown grinning smile here
qualifies. Let's just say that Gamzee has completely
the art of the Slasher Smile.
Split Personality: The reason for Gamzee's writing style is because he has two personalities, both of them psycopathic, but normally kept in check by his consumption of sopor slime. Too bad he ran out of slime...
Split Personality Merge: Inverted. He began with them merged, but then he ran out of slime...
The Stoner
Stoners Are Funny
Suddenly Shouting: His trademark speech quirk when sober. The other characters even complain about it.
Superpowered Evil Side: Subverted; he has two evil sides, and sort of has a Smeagol and Gollum type of thing going on. They're normally merged together thanks to his constant consumption of sopor slime.
Theme Naming: Gamzee's Zodiac sign is Capricorn.
The Power of Friendship: How Karkat cured
his ax craziness.
Teens Are Monsters: At age thirteen, what he plans to do with the remaining trolls qualifies him for this.
This Is Sparta: His response to seeing Insane Clown Posse's music video for their song Miracles

Totally Radical: More than half of the things he says.
Trademark Favorite Food: Faygo, like many Juggalos.
Tuckerization: Inadvertently. Gamzee was named after a Turkish fan who had been roleplaying as him on Formspring. Her friends repeatedly suggested her name as a joke and added an e * , and Andrew assumed that it was a Meaningful Name and used it. That's right, the terrifying unstoppable killer's name means "Dimple". That does however make Gamzee the only troll with a an
actual real world name.
The Unreveal: Fans demanded to know Gamzee and Eridan's titles in Sgrub. When Gamzee's came up in his conversation with Dave, he'd actually forgotten half of it. The title remained this way until it was stated by Karkat to be The Bard of Rage.
Unstoppable Rage: Presumably his power as Bard of Rage.
Vitriolic Best Buds: Calls Karkat his best friend. In return, Karkat loathes him like hell.
Voice of the Legion: HiS uSuAl WaY oF tAlKiNg/TyPiNg sorts itself into SMALLCASE OR ALLCAPS EVERY OTHER LINE, which gamzee claims IS HIS TWO ALTERNATE PERSONALITIES.
Wall of Weapons: Jokerkind consists of stacks upon stacks
of weapon cards, including ones that belong to members of The Felt and The Bunny.
Western Zodiac: Capricorn. His horns, lusus and trollian name all point to this.
Wham Line:

TC: shut up.
To a lesser extent,

TC: honk
Considering his previous claim that typing in all lowercase feels unnatural, seeing that one word in the picture before even looking at
that troll log instantly indicates something is wrong. Recently:

TC: i focused on my dark ancestral chucklevoodoos through the rage you made me have
TC: terminal. Bo)
Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: He basically destroys the kids' universe (and gives them nightmares to boot) over a major crisis of faith.


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