Doozy of a Dream

Nov 09, 2007 11:04

Alright, let's see how well I can now remember this one. This was epic fantasy, yet featured some Dr Who. I dunno.

Okay, so, it started out with my family (normal family, here at home), getting this new dog. A mean pitbull/something else mean mix. I spend alot of time with it, trying to get it to not be mean. He's called Gargaros or something like that.

Anyway, by and by Gargaros sortof chases off all our other pets (which, in this dream, include Kodama, our cats here, and some others), and at some point I actually talk to it. Then discontinuity. By and by my dad and I manage to get Gargaros outside with none of the other pets, and simply close and lock the door. Gargaros isn't happy, but there's nothing he can do about it... until he starts shape changing. He shows up as a few things, ending in Gimli the Dwarf (I think that's the name, from LOTR), which takes me aback for some time but doesn't work. Does get us talking again.

There's more discontinuity here, but that's also because I'm forgetting stuff. As best as I remember, I was traveling with the Doctor and a girl, but the Doctor got seperated from both us and the Tardis somehow and someway that I just don't remember. Struggles and tribulations half remembered later, and I send the girl off in the Tardis to find the Doctor because some shit has gone down, and we need him and what he knows.

And, more discontinuity due to bad memory. Should have written this down after the first wake-up...

In any event, I end up with a mount that can handle slopes like nobodie's business, and run into Gargaros again. I remember seeing in the dream Gargaros transform into this thing, but I don't remember well why. But the thing was this giant, essentially organic Halo Scarab, but with a club instead. We "duke it out" on the side of this near sheer cliff face (yay for mount!), except what I'm actually trying to do is to save this odd looking cat-creature that I spotted and for whatever reason, felt a great need to save. We'll call the cat Nimitz, although that's not it either. (Kudos for reference). We get off the cliff face down in a hilly valley, and now Gargaros is one of the those fat, mostly naked giants with clubs. We get away by getting him distracted by an encampment of brigands, and leave him (this time) as he's muttering about having to put on the lower armour since they're all on the bottom.

We're riding along and come to some tree-house like structures in the woods (which have shown up in same style and reason in other dreams) - they're the entrance the the wood elf towns, habititats, realm, etc... They don't like people coming up, so they build them so that only wood elves (being particularly athletic) can get up to them... Except I can as well, along with Nimitz. So we head up (and in this case I've actually got OOC info in the dream, which is odd, but the "character" had no idea what these structures were.). We're confronted by a wood elf, only to find out it's someone we know.(Again, can't remember, but I'm damn certain she had been there earlier in this dream, or another dream, and isn't one of those defined-as-you-know-them in the dream reality characters). In fact, it's someone we love (More references - Bast the Wood Elf, and I'm Herzer.), and that we kiss, and damn was that a good kiss... Anyway, we catch up, still no sign of the Doctor or the other Companion, so we go off in search of some high mage to see if he can answer our big, important questions (which /are/ specific, I just don't remember them).

More half-remembered discontinuities finding this guy, but here's what I do remember..
There's been a war going on. I've run into the elite-ish forces that are part of it before in the dream (unsure where and why, tho), but I manage to find this mage (who's elven) reenlisting the wounded, who were waiting for transport home and away from the war, so he can equip them with the magic artifacts the elves are finally releasing for use. Except, well, something goes Horribly, Horribly wrong - these maggot/slug things swarm out of the ground and eat everyone expect myself (who runs away) and the mage (who I carry off) - it's damn clear that these maggots are an intelligent hive-mind-ish thing, and that they came because of the energy of the artifacts. Aha! So that's they the elves are doing much or letting us use their stuff.... (I'd run into those things in much smaller quantity before, only, yeah, guessed it... don't remember when/why).

So that's how I found the Mage. Next scene is his place, which is that sort of magician's hovel/tower, only it's on the inside of this /giant/ ancient ring (mounded ring, looks segmented, with one part obviously being the "origin"), and the ring can be used to go places.

Now, the Mage, Bast or Nimitz, that mage's super-duper bodygaurd, and /Gargaros/ (I don't remember how he showed back up) take the ring somewhere without me, but I (as the dreamer, but not the character, get to see what goes on), where all they're actually there to do is trick Garagos into the position that lets them kill him - Because they want the element stuff he's made of (slaughter and murder, I think) to return back to the backround spiritual energy of the world (it's missing cause it's stuck in Gargaros)... Only this effects Bast or Nimitz (the one who went), since for some reason she's tied into the same stuff. They port back with the wounded/dissolving Bast or Nimitz, and the the ring ports out to replace itself with the absolutely huge skeleton that Gargaros left behind, because the mage wants to make into a truly awesome set of armour, using the improved techniques that Gargaros himself developed. And he wants to make it for me. Only I won't have it, becuase I'd befreinded Gargaros by then.

And that's just about all I can remember, but it is all I can place (The one time the Tardis showed up, it did this cool spinny thing to arrive, with both the Tardis phonebooth and the psuedo ethereal inside, which went away as I, the dreamer, was like "That shouldn't be there!").

Anyway, that was a helluva dream. High fantasy!

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