star wars episode iii...was SOOOO sad. oh my gosh. it was so tragic, i wanted to cry so badly!
anakin is so stupid! why did he turn evil!? WHY!?
AND WHY DID HE KILL PADME? WHY IS HE SO STUPID!? HE TURNED TO THE DARK SIDE JUST TO SAVE PADME...and then he KILLS her. he's so dumb! he killed so many people! he killed the "younglings." i can't believe he killed the kids! HE KILLED THE KIDS. that scene...was the most heart-wrenching for me. it was so...terrible. and agonizing. i can't stand scenes where kids are shot or whatever. this was just anakin...killing children ;__________;
the acting was pretty bad. i think they only act well when they're angry.
and ANAKIN WAS BURNED TO A CRISP! HE LOST ALL HIS HAIR! it was so gross. oh poor poor anakin. he had no legs, no arms...just a bit of a head...and a bit of a wonder he needed that vader suit.
gah...darth vader.
this is the end of star wars. it was good. it was great. now all i need to do is stop obsessing over it.
zitlali came over in the morning to watch episode ii...which was okay. lots of padme and anakin romance and anakin lost an arm! and lots of anakin and obi-wan humor. then we ate noodles. then we literally RAN to midway to meet ami and entered the theatre during the previews.