Showtime Yoshi (1:12:25 AM): YOUR MOM!
dannybbfan (1:12:34 AM): Lol
nrfpinky (1:12:40 AM): Ooooookkay I saaaaay
nrfpinky (1:12:50 AM): Aaaaand Now...
dannybbfan (1:12:52 AM): Enough with the people in here
nrfpinky (1:13:06 AM): An Acme Labs Presentation….
dannybbfan (1:13:10 AM): Woot!
dannybbfan (1:13:19 AM): *Dashie gets excited*
Digimonfan01 (1:13:26 AM): yay!
nrfpinky (1:13:28 AM): (on special location in Sugarcube Corner….)
nrfpinky (1:13:34 AM): Tooooongiiiight's...
nrfpinky (1:13:43 AM): MAAAAAAA DUH LIBS!!!
nrfpinky (1:13:58 AM): (with lots of cramming in your words.)
FifiLover1990 (1:14:22 AM): Oh my.
nrfpinky (1:14:29 AM): By Pinkie dr frankenfurterTwotone Optimus Prime Pie
Digimonfan01 (1:14:32 AM): lol
dannybbfan (1:14:37 AM):
FifiLover1990 (1:14:42 AM):
nrfpinky (1:14:49 AM): My most embarrassing moment happened when I got on a bus to
nrfpinky (1:15:02 AM): go to Ponyville . The bus was very hairy so I
dannybbfan (1:15:09 AM): Lmao
dannybbfan (1:15:12 AM): Hairy bus
nrfpinky (1:15:15 AM): stood up and held on to a tea chest. At the next stop, I saw
nrfpinky (1:15:29 AM): an XBox-SUCK get up, and I ran over to grab his polka dotted Depends adult undergarments,
Digimonfan01 (1:15:36 AM):
nrfpinky (1:15:44 AM): but I accidentally jabbed my Flippity-Flops into his inert dragonballs again
dannybbfan (1:15:46 AM): Haha
dannybbfan (1:15:52 AM):
FifiLover1990 (1:15:54 AM):
Digimonfan01 (1:15:55 AM):
nrfpinky (1:15:57 AM): and broke his blank flank. And then, as I was apologizing, the
nrfpinky (1:16:08 AM): bus came to a Transformer sound from Pinkie Pie stop, which caused me to drop my
nrfpinky (1:16:19 AM): No-Sunshine-Sunshine?--I'm-disappointed-TARDIS and fall on top of a squishy, moss covered lady who was
dannybbfan (1:16:20 AM): Hahahaha
nrfpinky (1:16:30 AM): carrying Manehatten on her lap. Believe me, my Wii U
nrfpinky (1:16:38 AM): was red that day!
dannybbfan (1:16:49 AM):
nrfpinky (1:16:52 AM): THE END!
dannybbfan (1:16:57 AM): Yayyyyy
Showtime Yoshi (1:17:05 AM): uh oh, Wii U with RROD
nrfpinky (1:17:07 AM): That was great!
dannybbfan (1:17:09 AM): I'm holding a blank flank too
dannybbfan (1:17:13 AM): *pats Scootaloo's head*
nrfpinky (1:17:30 AM): I concede a little continuity flaw in two places...
nrfpinky (1:17:34 AM): but I dun care XP
Digimonfan01 (1:17:43 AM):
nrfpinky (1:18:00 AM): Great job ya'll! poit!
FifiLover1990 (1:18:23 AM): *Applause*
FifiLover1990 (1:18:28 AM): *Applesauce*
nrfpinky (1:18:28 AM): *takes a bow*
dannybbfan (1:18:37 AM): *Dashie and the others applaud too*
nrfpinky (1:18:41 AM): for some reason that one line is so.. fitting..
nrfpinky (1:18:56 AM): "but I accidentally jabbed my Flippity-Flops into his inert dragonballs again"
nrfpinky (1:19:19 AM): reminds me of the welcome wagon with the cake and the confetti in the wrong places… AGAIN!!
FifiLover1990 (1:19:31 AM): The balls are inert!
dannybbfan (1:19:33 AM): Hehehehe