Here are the answers to Hermione's questions, though I was wary of filling this out. The Ministry often collects information via surveys and uses for horrible purposes. I'm guessing Hermione isn't going to sell our answers to anyone. I am curious as to what she's going to do with the results, and I wonder what her own answers would be.
What is your opinion on the treatment of house elves?
Well, that depends, doesn't it? I treat the house elves in the kitchens very kindly because my mother always told me not to mistreat the person (or elf) responsible for preparing your food. Besides, they've never been mean to me. However, some people feel the need to boss about smaller creatures, possibly because they have inferiority issues. It's very sad for a person to bully something just because they know it won't fight back.
Do they receive better or worse treatment today as compared to centuries past?
They are treated more kindly now, I think. Dobby in the kitchens has clothing (excellent taste in clothes too), and is paid. I don't think that would have happened in centuries past. But you also have to consider that many people in the past could not afford house elves, and the ones who could are the ones whose descendents still treat them horribly.
Do you believe that they should be freed?
They should have free will, and work only if they want to.
What is your general consensus on the classes here at Hogwarts School of Witch Craft and Wizardry?
The classes are excellent, I think. Even CoMC is better this year, which is surprising considering. The teachers are very good, and I've learned things here I know I can't learn elsewhere.
What is your favourite class and why?
My favourite classes are Charms and Astronomy. They are both fascinating.
Do you feel that you learn everything you can in your classes?
I try to learn everything I can, though sometimes it's very hard to keep track. Certainly one can't learn everything offered here, but I try my best, and the teachers are excellent.
Is the usage of using these online Journals a good or bad thing? Why?
I think it's a good thing. There is more communication between the houses than there used to be, and more people are able to express themselves. They certainly help with homework, and it's much more organized than carrying around five or six notebooks.
What house are you in?
I'm in Ravenclaw.
Why do you think you were chosen to be placed in the house?
The sorting hat knows best.
If you the Sorting Hat were to put you in a different house, which would it be?
Gryffindor has lovely colors.
What do you think of Quidditch?
It's entertaining to watch, but I would never want to play.
Do you think there should be a "Varsity" and a "Junior Varsity" divisions of each house team, which would result in eight teams as opposed to the traditional four?
I think there is already enough focus on Quidditch and that having two divisions of teams would further take emphasis from academic goals.
Do you think more sports or extra-curricular activities should be added so that students have the opportunity to represent their houses?
No, as I said before "representing" one's house often leads to poor relations between the houses, and adding more sports would only cause more tension between the four. Perhaps more academic competitions would be better.
What is it that you want to do once you Graduate?
What dreams and aspirations do you have for yourself and for those around you?
For me, I wish to be happy. I have no aspirations for others, besides that they do what they feel is right, and are happy too.
What do you think of the events going on in the Wizarding World?
It depends on what events you mean. I think it's wonderful that the Bitchin' Hags are on their first international tour. I also think it's rather nice that someone is finally fighting for the rights of Crumple-Horned Snorkacks. However, it's terrible that Muggles and being killed for something they have no control over, just like I didn't decide to be a witch.
What about the events in the Muggle World?
I'm concerned over the recent trends in Muggle pop music.
What is your opinion of Muggles and Muggleborns? Why do you think that way?
They are people like I am a person. It depends on the individual. It's really very stupid to say that you don't like all of something when you can't possibly know every single thing individually. They are no different than me, except that Muggles can't do magic.
Now, some general questions:
Favourites -
Foods: I like most things, except for meat, especially vanilla ice cream.
Drink: Butterbeer and pumpkin juice.
Book: Hairy Snout, Human Heart by Anonymous, very touching.
Picture: A picture of my mother I keep on my night table.
Class: Charms and Astronomy.
Season: Winter and Spring.
Candy: Sugarquills and Ice Mice.
Store: Flourish and Blotts.
Holiday: Christmas.
Food: Food made of meat.
Drink: I have to say, I don't care for Firewhiskey.
Book: I've never met a book I didn't like.
Picture: Erm.
Class: Potions.
Season: I don't dislike any of them.
Candy: Acid Pops.
Store: Madam Malkins.
Holiday: ...
Who do you ….:
Like: A lot of people.
Dislike: Very few people.
Love: My father.
Hate: No one.
Admire: Pansy Parkinson.
Respect: Hermione Granger.
Disrespect: Anyone who disrespects me.
Superlatives: For each, you can choose two. A male and a female.
Most likely to have a smile on their face: Seamus Finnigan and Ginny Weasley.
Most likely to have a frown: Draco Malfoy and Cho Chang.
Most likely to be late for class: Neville Longbottom and Ginny Weasley.
Most likely to fail a test: I'd rather not say.
Most likely to be early for class: Well...Hermione Granger.
Most likely to pass a test: Anyone who studies enough.
Most likely to lend a helping hand: Colin Creevey and Ginny Weasley.
Most likely to make a difference in the world: Harry Potter and Hermione Granger.
Most likely to forget their homework: Neville Longbottom
Most likely to get a detention: Ron Weasley
Class Clown: Er.
Prettiest Smile: Pansy has a lovely smile whenever she decides to...actually smile.
Prettiest eyes: She also has very pretty eyes, though Harry's are quite nice too.
Best Personality: Harry Potter and Pansy Parkinson.
Best Hair: Theodore Nott has quite nice hair.
Best style: Pansy has the best shoes.
Most Likely to succeed: Hermione Granger.