life is interesting.
and i'm about to complain. not because great things haven't been happening to me (trust me, they are, and they're AMAZING), but there's been lots of little things that have been driving me up the walls.
my computer continues to hate me. for a few reasons.
1. my printer is still broken, and now i have to print out papers for english.
2. ALL THREE plugs for my speakers don't work (but my speakers do, because each plug has a different problem).
3. my DVD player won't play DVDs.
4. in an effort to fix my DVD player, i fucked up my screen resoulution.
5. in an effort to fix my screen problems, i made it so it loads stuff REALLY SLOWLY.
6. none of my tech-savy friends can or are free enough to help.
and i'm also frustrated with how my lack of YEARS and YEARS of video games has basically given me a handicap. that i will probably NEVER get over.
my diet is still evil.
i'm in a position where i have to choose between a fun-filled cosplay-making weekend with mina and doing my english papers. both of which are due at the beginning of next week.
sorry, just had to get that out. and now i have to go, because i think my wii is about to light my dorm on fire. >.>
nt out