As usual I went lazy to write reports, to write even bits of the concerts or even about my life experiences in Japan. But I feel like it's necessary, at least, to say aloud how much I adore this fandom.
I'm not going to write a complete report about the trip, I'll let my brain wonder to share with you (I don't know if someone is gonna read this LOL) some of the memories I lived there. No more introductions, to the point then.
After 21-hours-amazing trip (yeah this is sarcasm, notice for those who are Sheldon-like XD, quoting Big Ban theory LOL) Gloria and I arrived in Tokyo. We brought (as usual) two huge suitcases each of us, so to reach our hotel in Shinagawa for the first night was a nightmare, but anyway, we did it. The hotel was conveniently next to the station (literally into Shinagawa station \\0//, so if you need a hotel to commute to another city in Japan, poke me, this is really handy for that). We met one of our Japanese friends, who balloted for our Fukuoka tickets (thank you Marco m(_._)m you saved us, we really need to give you some more love because of that). We died that night hahahaha. We were snoring even before finishing our dinner (jetlag and all) but we had to put our alarms at 05:15 AM because we had to go to Fukuoka next morning. So we did it, and we reached Fukuoka w/o problems and our hotel was near the station too, we only wanted to go with one of our suitcases but in the end we went again with everything LOL (yeah we're S! like that hahahaha). The first concert was ok, but I think Gloria and I were too tired to actually enjoy it (and on top of that Tatchan wasn't in the mood, neither Koki that day). But it was the first concert, we have a great seat because although it was in one of the corners the boys came across there several times because we have the "hanamichi" so near. I should add we got lost going to the venue, and then coming back to the hotel xDDDD, but it was amazingly funny to get lost with Gloria (ne?) XDDD. The worst was the weather, it was extremelly windy @.@ and cold. We went well-prepared but seriously next time I come back to Fukuoka I'm gonna bring a scarf or something (fufufufufufufufffffuuu). About Fukuoka concerts I don't remember well about Fukuoka cons, but I took some notes so I'll put them on here:
Please, have in mind all my reports will be Yucchi-centric
-There were a lot of KameDa interactions O.o, I'm not used to see Tatchan poking Kame or waving hahahaha. It stunned me at first but I have to smile when I realized, actually all of them were enjoying themselves a lot *____*
-Yucchi was annoyed by the black trousers xDDDD, it was funny to see how he wanted to scratch his crotch although he didn't want our "kyas" because of that, so he was the whole time during two or three songs trying to "accomodate" his pants by the waste and touching his legs xDDDDD. Poor Yucchi! hahahaha I wanted to scream "Scratch however you need!!!" LOL (@.@ it would cause me a big damage, so better that way...)
-During MC they did that "Titanic moment" I had read in previous repos: akfdhkshdfkajsfhdlasdjf Kame posing sexy for Yucchi XD (yeah I squealed there).
-NeverxOver: they didn't do much in Fukuoka, only the usual (Kame hiprolls, Yucchi's wink+cuteposes, etc..)
-It was funny to listen them trying to imitate Fukuoka's accent, although I don't understand Japanese at all, I could realize they were cutely trying to satisfy the audience there *_____*
-One thing I enjoyed the most was Tatsuya's solo. OMG!!! Hansel and Gretel. I should say I don't like that kind of "rock" but it was the first time in 3 years I saw Uepi enjoying A LOT. And when I say "A LOT" it's like WOAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!. Gloria and I were like from O___________o to *________________* faces. I'm glad Tatchan enjoyed that much during that song, I'd like he always enjoyed this much. His mood changed TOTALLY after his solo, from calm to a cheerful-jumpy-rolling frog XDDDD (oiiii it's not an insult xD, I don't know how to explain it in English). Tatchan won my heart in this tour, and I think Gloria told me the same.
-We shocked during Taguchi's solo O___o, I always enjoy his dancing skills, but with this solo they're so evident and enjoyable dslkfjldskjfsldkfjlsdkfj, and the video OMFG!!! TOO KAKKOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Serious!Taguchi turns me on so much xDDDD. And if this wasn't enough he spotted us in the begining of the con, and he was THE WHOLE CON coming to our corner: waving, cheering and SMILING like only he can dskfhsdlkfhñdsjkfdsñjfk *dead fan here*. You bought me forever Taguchi ♥____♥
There were some more funny moments, but I want to highlight that one moment where Koki was poking one girl backdancer XDDD, he did some poking with his leg and some "hello pretty~~" smiles there. I thought -> Mmmmmm interesting "hello doggy boy~~~~~ Miau much?" xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD *don't mind me* Gloria and I commented this after the con, she could see this too, so I wasn't my brain playing~~~~
The concert ended late, but we have our hotel until next day so we sleep and in the morning we came back to Tokyo...
(to be continued...)
P.D.: I know some of you know me too well (years into the fandom together) but this is for those who don't know me for so long. I'm Spanish, I've been speaking (and I mean orally) for only 3 years (English school years were a waste), so please, be understanding with my English. I'm doing my best to speak, write and communicate the best I can. I hope you can understand the sense of the explanation more than the words themselves. I'd be glad if you dropped some comment or at least "hey! I read it" it will make me feel less weird and more motivated to continue writing the next parts of my trip.