Typed directly into LJ. Plus I'm tired. All mistakes are mine. Who knows wtf I just wrote.
Reggie crept down the hallway, the scent of blood and fear faint on the air. It only made it more exciting. He paused at the first door, listening for signs of habitation. Hearing nothing, he moved on to the next door, then the next. Each yielded no results. He finally got to the last door at the end of the hallway; the stairs down to the basement. Counting down from 10, he kicked the door down and opened fire into the dark. His eyes didn't adjust fast enough to see the wolf charging up the stairs but his endless stream of bullets mowed it down. When his clip was empty, 3 corpses and one mangled but living wolf were left. He slunk down the stairs to the dying wolf, prepared to put it out of its misery but then he saw it. The wolf's eyes were pale green, like the first leaves of spring. He knew those eyes.
Dropping to his knees, he called up all the magic he could spare and pressed it into the wounds. The bullets oozed out of the wounds and clattered to the stone floor, resting in pools of blood. The bullet holes closed, and the wolf's breathing steadied. When the wolf seemed to be recovered, Reggie smacked it's muzzle.
"You better have a good reason to be in this vile breeding hole, Charles." Charles whined piteously, slowly gaining his feet. A touch of shifting magic and Charles stood before Reggie, looking pale and sad.
"You know why I'm here, and I know why you're here. This was the reason we would never have worked." His voice was like a punch to the gut, bringing reality crashing down on Reggie.
"I'm going to have to bring you in. They'll toss you out for sure. You wont last a minute in Demon territory. All for what? A few more failed experiments to save our damned race?" Reggie's voice broke and he backed away from Charles, feeling helpless for the first time since he became a hunter. Charles just shook his head. His eyes locked with Reggie's and Reggie couldn't look away. His Charles, his mate, his best friend. They always disagreed on the fate of their race, but never once did he imagine it would come to this. "I can't let you go Charles. You know I can't."
"It's okay Reggie. I fully expected to die here, but I'm glad you wont have that burden." Charles held out his hands in front of him, surrendering quietly as Reggie snapped on the binding cuffs.
"They'll throw you into the western territory. The border is lined with slave villages. If you move quickly you may be able to get a little further in. There's rumors of free towns, protected by exiled hunters."
"Don't worry about me Reggie. Worry about yourself." Reggie shook his head, without Charles, he could care less about himself.