*hugs LJ* I only had to stall for three hours until the server switch let me back on. How nice. :)
To celebrate, I bring you my top 10 TNG episodes in count-down order from 10 to the most fabulous:
The Offspring - Episode 3:16 - This is the only Data-centric episode in my top 10. The Data episodes are great because the entire crew is always involved. This one is no different. I love the scene when Troi helps Data 'design' her, I love the Riker scene in 10 Forward, and it really makes me schmoopy when it doesn't work at the end...and Data can feel nothing.
Schisms - Episode 6:5 - I find that some of my favorite TNG episodes are the really creepy ones. This is definitely one of those. One of my favorite scenes in Star Trek history is in this episode: The holodeck scene with Geordi, Worf, Riker, Data and random people where they describe that wacky examination table complete with atmospheric sounds and smells. Awesome!
Power Play - Episode 5:15 - Season 5 is positively amazing and I had a hard time NOT picking my top 10 from that season alone. I chose this one over Disaster mostly because of the creepy factor. I love the three they chose to be possessed and I loved how terrifyingly threatening Troi's personality was. She did it really well. I think the coolest thing about season 5 was how many ensemble episodes there were. This was one of them (though I do love Disaster with all my heart!!)
Déjà Q- Episode 3:13 - This is my favorite Q episode of all time. If some of my favorite episodes can be classified as 'creepy', a lot of them are also classified as 'hilarious.' I adore this episode just because it's such fun.
The Game - Episode 5:6 - So we're back to season 5 and back to 'creepy' with a Wesley-centered episode...I know!! I really liked him in this one and I LOVED how creepy this one was. I think I've seen this episode more times than any in the whole series....mostly because we started recording Star Trek during season 4 and we rewatched them all the freaking time.
Starship Mine - Episode 6:18 - Ok, this one is fun for so many reasons. Picard is hot all the way through and says the word 'saddle' several times. The 'small talk' guy that Riker and Co. are stuck with at the reception on the surface is pretty freaking awesome. I love how they teach Data to do 'small talk.' And then Picard is hot. And a badass. Love it!!
Parallels - Episode 7:11 - This episode is all kinds of awesome because, to put it quite simply, I ship Worf/Troi. I really really ship those two. I do love me some Riker, but I was tired of their whole drama that dragged on forever and ever and I just loved the scenes in this episode with Troi as Worf's wife. It was fabulous! And I loved the ending, when he invites her to dinner and she stays. :) yeehaw!!
The Inner Light - Episode 5:25 - And we're back to season 5. Again. This episode is on "Best Episode EVER" lists all over the internet, so I won't say anything more than this: Ok. Maybe this is the episode I've seen more times than any other.
The Host - Episode 4:23 - Now, I am not a huge Dr. Crusher fan by any stretch, and I really don't like this episode because of her. I love this episode because of everyone else. I love the scenes with Troi where she beats Crusher with a 2x4 to get her to talk about what's going on. I love the scenes with Picard when he's the most wonderful and supportive best friend, even though we know he's a little jealous. But who do I love the most? Riker. Of course. This is the most romantic episode in the entire series (in my opinion) and he makes the whole thing. I had to admit my undying love for William T. when I saw this episode. Just the way he looks at her...*dies*
and now for the one you've all been waiting for!! My favoritist TNG episode of all time:
The Best of Both Worlds, Parts 1&2 - Episodes 3:26 and 4:1 - Yes, this counts as one. Don't make me hit you. What can I say about this episode? Creepy? Heck YES! Awesome? You bet. Ensemble? Holy crap. Picard awesomeness? Of course. Soundtrack? Best ever. Story with crazy awesome villain? Oh yeah. This episode in its two parts still gives me chills when I watch it. The writers managed to instill a great amount of terror into the concept of The Borg. They've biffed it since then, but at the time, there was nothing scarier. Fabulous!
When I counted up my favorite episodes, I had 24 after the first sweep. It was hard to narrow it down, but I did. Just know that if you see a deliciously creepy or scary episode: I loved it. If you see a freaking hilarious episode: I loved it. If Picard is hot/badass in an episode: I loved it. If Riker is funny/cute/heroic in an episode: I loved it. If the entire cast was involved in most of the episode: I loved it. So yeah, that accounts for the extra 14-15 episodes on my favorites list.
That was enormous amounts of fun.
What else is enormous amounts of fun? Last night's episodes of The Big Bang Theory and, yea even of HIMYM, though the latter wasn't as funny as it's ever been. Who would like to play "Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock" with me?
"Star Trek 1 is orders of magnitude more awful than Star Trek 5!"
"Star Trek 5 is the standard by which all badness is measured!"
Fabulous nerdy goodness. I have to agree with Raj on that one though. Star Trek 5 is the worst movie in the world.
Now that I'm cheerful, I won't talk about anything that's depressing. There's nothing new to report anyway.