Behold what I devote my free time to. (Other characters following suit)
Oh, Koryuu muse, thank you for returning to me so full-force. It was quiet without you. Now I'm normally not that big on replaying event, but goodness, I find myself wanting to hit Koryuu with about half of all the replayable events available. This isn't to say I don't like playing him "normally", that I'm losing inspiration for any of my other muses or that I don't enjoy replaying events with them on occasion - Koryuu is just a ridiculously easy victim. Let's see, apart from the Lost Inhibitions event I also want to do:
The Chibi event - because duh. He hasn't had to turn super-deformed for over a year and a half.
The Ranma event - and of course no one can guess what kind of animal he'd be.
The Personality Switch and/or The Sins and Virtues event - so I can have some use for his sparkly blushy icons without a Kohaku around.
The Infinity Clothes event - because it'd look pretty.
The Sickness event - because he'd be the whiniest, most annoying patient ever.
And assorted other events as well.
I dunno, I generally feel that writing it down helps getting these things out of my system to an extent.