So you want to apply at the Narrows...
Before you submit your application, have you:
1. Read the
2. Read the
World Building Wiki info?
3. Stopped in to say hello on
IRC? Remember, IRC is not necessary to join the community, but it is strongly encouraged since it is where most of the OOC planning takes place.
4. Caught up on
what's what?
5. Used spell check as well as checked your grammar and punctuation. There's a free online spell check at
6. Formatted your post in a readable way (i.e., no huge walls of text or messy formatting -- we need to be able to read it).
7. Not plagiarized in any way. No copying/pasting from Wikipedia!
Copy and paste the application form below into a reply and fill it out. Post your application here and the mods will reply with an APPROVE or DISAPPROVE (with ways to improve the app). Once approved, make take your character journal and reply to the approval. Then make an intro post to the ooc comm, join
a_narrow_place, and have fun.
Player Name (or nickname): Player Contact (email or AIM): Character Name(full): Nickname (what they like to be called): Fandom (series of origin) or OC: If your character is not from Nolan'verse, how do you think you'll need to adapt them Narrows'canon? Age: Short Bio: [Length is flexible, but any less than 200 or so words probably isn't going to be enough. Please don't copy from Wikipedia.]
Skills: [Remember that The Narrows is set in the Nolanverse. There is no magic here, and superhuman abilities are enormously rare. But being very good at something on a -human- level is fine and dandy.]
Appearance (and/or attach a photo): Writing Sample: [This doesn't have to be for the character you're applying, but it should be around 200 words. Link/post to anything you've written and liked.]
What do you hope to get from and bring to the community: ETA: If you're having problems posting, you can put the application elsewhere and just link to it here.