So, I cleared Zero no Kiseki last night and I want to gush about it. SPOILERS FOLLOW.
EDIT: I keep adding more because I can't shut up about this game. Sighhhh
*Why is the SSS so cuuuuute. They are totally a family now awwwwwww (like somebody on Twitter said, Sergei is the dad, Randy, Elie, Lloyd, Tio and KeA are the kids, and Zeit is the family dog. Arios and Cecile are the uncle and aunt, and Cecile's parents are the grandparents).
*Seriously I am SO GLAD KeA stays with Lloyd and the others. I heard she was going to be taken in by the church but it turns out she just starts going to Sunday school www Oh, and Lloyd is such a mom. Tio noted that he was even starting to fret over Jona-kou XD
*A lot of the spoilers I heard turned out to be fake or misinterpreted actually. As far as I can tell KeA lived for 500 years because of the machine, not because she's immortal. Though she could be (I hope not, because I want to see Lloyd's proud fatherly expression as she grows up)
*I still want to know why Lloyd had that dream in the beginning and heard KeA's voice... Another psychic in this game?
*There are a number of things I want to see in Zero no Kiseki SC or whatever they call the sequel, but the number one is definitely a family trip to the amusement park in Micheleam. They can spend the whole day there and bring Shizuku and Jona along (the latter by force), maybe Mihail if he gets strong enough. Lloyd can buy the kids Misshi straps and Elie can freak out at the haunted house. This needs to happen. BADLY.
*Characters who should get face graphics: Rebecca (the other receptionist), Mihail (so I can ship him with Shizuku-chan - don't look at me like that), Imelda (mostly for entertainment value), Mireille, Jingo (she's hilarious. "Hey customer, shut up!" to GARCIA of all people) etc... Haha, I like nearly all the NPCs in this game. More than the ones in Sora, actually.
*Just putting this here so I remember it: that grave with the name erased. WHOSE COULD IT BE.
*My theory: Lloyd's parents died in an accident, right? Maybe it wasn't an accident and Guy was investigating their deaths when he got killed. For bonus points, that same group (the Ouroboros?) also killed Arios's wife Saya, prompting him to leave the force and become a Bracer. Then in the next game, they find out who the criminal was and team up for revenge. C'mon, Lloyd + Arios Combo Craft!! It'd be awesome!
Hopefully the guy will resist arrest so Arios can kill him too ^^ Incidentally, Lloyd trying to arrest the final boss was GREAT. Lloyd is my hero.
*Speaking of Combo Crafts: Patel=Matel + Orbal Gear combo y/y/faster please
*This game series probably holds a world record for the sheer number of abused kids in it. I think Elie is the only member of the group who had a seminormal childhood and her parents divorced and left her behind. Oy. Meanwhile Tio and Renne got experimented on, Lloyd is an orphan, Randy got his first knife at age 9 or something and was leading squads by 14... WTF FALCOM. There are other ways of making players hate the bad guys.
*If Randy's title is 闘神の息子 (son of the war god) then who is his dad? I think he must be the 7th 蛇の使徒 (the one who's good at swordfighting.) Sighhh, I really want to know what Randy was talking about when he mentioned "that place" to Garcia...
*Lazy/Waji is pretty clearly a kid from a rich family who's moonlighting as a gang leader. I hope his origins and the reason he's so buddy-buddy with Wald are touched on in the sequel.
*Kevin and Reis seem pretty confirmed for the next game. At the very least SOMEONE from the Dominions should be showing up, with all the artifacts around Crossbell. It should be pretty entertaining if the local bishop bitches at them because he hates the church military wwww
(Incidentally this is my theory: 4 bells forming a cross leading to... what?)
That said, if somebody from the church tries to kidnap KeA, they can feel my Burning Rage II! Even if it's the spring onion priest!! (Man, that technique is too powerful. Not that I'm complaining, I love it.)
*LECHTER. What is he DOING. I didn't know whether to laugh or shoot him (the second is sadly not an option). It seems to me that Osborne is working with Ouroboros, but Lechter is trying to undercut him. Maybe Osborne killed his family or so and Lechter had a tragic past too! ...I'm sorry I'm a terrible person.
Anyway, it does seem that Lechter is a psychic of the same type as Tio&c, only natural, because he doesn't seem to suffer. Aside from being nuts.
*Someone at IBC is evil. They are way too well-prepared.
*Zeit is probably a guardian beast of the same type as Regnart from Sora no Kiseki. Only more smug and, you know, a wolf.
*I cracked up laughing when the lost kitty turned out to be named Mari ^^; there are way too many people with the same name. Poor Lloyd's encounter with Special-Class Fisherman Lloyd from Sora no Kiseki was really funny though.
*This game is just really funny in general. Wonderful writing.
*Copied this from a 2ch thread for my own reference:
10.奇術師 (フリーダム)
184:名無しじゃなきゃダメなのぉ!:2010/10/17(日) 01:27:28 ID:IA+6l/XN
2.≪深淵≫ 女性口調、サディスト、≪紅耀石≫に興味
3.≪白面≫ ゲオルグ・ワイスマン 古巣=七曜教会:封聖庁
4.? 男性口調(年齢若め?、明るい性格?)将軍タイプ(非参謀・学者風)
5.? 男性口調、白面を始末した人間が守護騎士と看破、参謀・学者風
6.ノバルティス博士 男性口調 ≪十三工房≫を預かる人物
7.? 男性口調、先生タイプ?、結構無口、剣の実力がレーヴェに匹敵
The description of Bleublanc's status as 'Freedom' made me laugh really hard. What is that guy doing, anyway?
*When Joshua and Estelle met Joachim in the last dungeon, they commented that in some ways Weissman was better. Somebody on 2ch said "Didn't they see enough of Weissman's sadism in SC?" but to me it seemed that Weissman was much more in control of events (until the very end). Gunther, on the other hand, didn't know how or why KeA got out of that ruin, he had no clue about the other players backstage (like Lechter and Kirika), his soldiers were mainly borrowed or stolen, and he was addicted to the same drug he was dealing. And in the end, he ran out of test subjects and resorted to randomly stabbing people in the hospital with needles.
So basically, Weissman and Gunther were both sick freaks, but Weissman was a sick freak who knew what he was doing and ran a relatively tight ship. That's my take on it, anyway.
*Plot threads for ZSC:
*Stronger position of the police, rivalry with the first department, newbies in SSS?
*Political turmoil (Hartman is out of the picture, half the government is in jail)
*Heiyue taking over the neighbourhood and a showdown with Yin
*Testaments vs Saber Vipers
*Next-generation Enigmas? What is up with the Epstein Foundation anyway?
*Erebonia's reaction (they've been salivating over Crossbell like it was a yummy fruit for years, and now half the CSGF gets put out of action. They must be very annoyed about that peace treaty right now)
*Now that the Rubache are out of the way, will the Ouroboros move in? They've got part of the 13th Laboratory right there on the road to Mainz XD;
*Randy's past
*KeA, the church, the demons, etc
*etc etc etc