Disclaimer: The series Supernatural does not belong to me, nor will it ever. Kripke and various other parties own the boys and their toys. Finally, any and all elements of this story are strictly fictional and not meant to reflect reality whatsoever. This work is not for profit.
Notes: This was written for the
sabriel_mini. This was once called “Dream A Little Dream”, so don't be confused. The title now refers to a song by Bright Eyes called, you guess it, “No One Would Riot For Less”.
So. At inception, this was going to be a short little thing about Sam and about Gabriel (and Sam/Gabriel) that also eased the burn of 6X22. Several months later, that 'short little thing' turned into an epic, because that's the way I roll. I'm sure you're all very disappointed.
It's still about Sam and about Gabriel (and Sam/Gabriel). It's still a fix-it fic for season 6 finale. By now, it's severely AU, considering, well, everything, but especially 7X01-7X04. Still, it's the way I thought things would play out. Given Dean/Cas. Given Gabriel coming back. Given Sam/Gabriel. Given slashyness, given no submission agreements, given Winchesters fighting like Hell. Given Cas not wanting to let go.
Okay, so it had a lot of conditions. In that case, it should come as no surprise that it is as AU as it is.
This fic wouldn't be here if it wasn't for my awesome beta,
lunaloup, who came through for me as always and gave me some great feedback-including the title. By the way, you were more right about the title being off than you know, lunaloup. Not only did it not fit the plot, but it also turns out that I was referencing the wrong episode! Whoops!
And I of course cannot forget my partner in crime, Zia, who drew me some incredible art pieces for this story, and all while battling through the trials and tribulations of real life too! Go check them out, they're awesome.
Any errors and typos left in this are all mine, since I tweak and poke at the thing post-beta like some unholy tweaking and poking thing.
Hope you enjoy.
Title: No One Would Riot For Less (formerly Dream A Little Dream)
ziarenete13xGenre: slash
Pairing (if applicable): Sam/Gabriel, Dean/Cas, some past het pairings
Rating: R
Warnings: language, sex, religious themes
Tier/Word Count: Tier II/ ~70K
Summary: Family reunions are a time of fun and good eating, or so Dean thinks. He plans on making this year's reunion the best one yet, and he even got Sam to stop bitching long enough to drive back home and help. Sure, Cas is acting a little weird-donning the old trench coat like a lame ass caped crusader-but there's nothing wrong between the two of them. Ever. So don't even start.
Sam, on the other hand, isn't feeling quite so content. He's dealing with a concussion or an out of body experience or something, because everything around him feels just wrong, from the tie around his neck to the shocking presence of Jess in his life. His confusion is only heightened by increasingly cryptic texts from a contact he's saved as 'Loki'--a contact that he doesn't remember making. Loki seems to hold all the answers, including the answer to one disturbing question Sam can't quite let go of--why does he think most of their family and friends should be long dead and buried?
Dean's belligerently happy. Sam's genuinely confused. But to everyone else, life is just perfect.
Maybe a little too perfect.
Here be fic Here be art