Theme 1: Mask - Use the word, a synonym or get the theme across through use of phrase or imagery.
Theme 2: Primary Colors - Should you choose to use this theme, your icon(s) needs to have a focus on one or more of the primary colors (red, yellow, and blue).
Rules and Submission Example )
Comments 4
Yes, everything is perfect! Thanks for submitting! :D
Sure, that is fine! :D First things first, to submit for any of my icon contests you do have to join or watch the community. :) Either one is fine! You can find links to join and/or watch on the profile of this community. Please read over the rules in the profile so you know what to do when submitting. ^^
Next, in this post is a submission form for you to copy and paste in a comment. :) You just add the URL of your icon (which you can get from a free hosting site like Photobucket or TinyPic) and submit it to this post! I will tell you if something is wrong with the icon or if it does not fit the theme. If that happens, and there is enough time before the voting post goes up, then you can remake the icon or make a new one.
I hope you will enjoy this community! :D
Kiki (goth_batafurai)
Your icon is very nice and I do like it. :D However, I do not see how it fits either one of the two themes (mask & primary colors) for this challenge. Voting will not go up until later tonight so you do have time to either make another icon or edit this icon to fit one of the themes. :)
Also another little extra note. ^^; Submission comments need to have the URL and the image of the icon.
The above code is what you also need in your comment as well as your icon URL. :)
Thanks! :D
Will you do another lyrics one? Lyrical challenges happen every so often and since I have not done one in a while the next challenge will have a lyrical theme. :)
... how does voting work? I will make another post with all the icons and the members will vote on which ones they like best. :) You can go to the voting tag and see some past voting posts if you'd like. :)
You are very welcome! If you have any more questions feel free to ask them! ^^
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