[Other (Adventure) / Best Character Portrayal, Best Multi-part] Uzumaki Chronicles: Red Death

Jun 25, 2008 00:14

Title: Uzumaki Chronicles: Red Death
Author: Rurouni Tyriel
Nominator: flutie2891
STANDARD: Other (Adventure)
SPECIALS: Best Character Portrayal, Best Multi-part
Rating: T
Pairings: Slight LeeSaku, NaruSaku, and SakuOC. Mostly just the boys trying to impress Sakura.
WARNINGS: Light violence and swearing, OCs, effects of disease (nothing too nasty)
Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3260211/1/Uzumaki_Chronicles_Red_Death

title: uzumaki chronicles: red death, cat: character portrayal: main: 2008, cat: best multi-part: main: 2008, cat: other: main: 2008, author: rurouni tyriel

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