Week twenty winners.
1st place //
2nd place //
3rd place //
Best colors //
No mods this week because of the shortage of icons. ^^ Votes will be unscreened. If you voted for the same icon twice and did not amend it, your vote does not count and will not be unscreened. I use the point system. If you tally things up and get different results, then contact me- I might have made a mistake.
Congrats to all the winners! Bannermaker for this week is
Here are the banners due. ^^
Week sixteen // Ino and Pulse -
kerilu (I am taking these on because
raven353 resigned from bannermaking without giving notice. ^^)
Week seventeen // Naruto and For the Fallen -
kunoichi_jadenWeek eighteen // Shikamaru and Pain -
phrixus_Week nineteen // Sakura and Anticipation -
kerilu (I'll get those done soon, I promise!)
Week twenty // Free for all -
5254 Please get your banners in soon!