Title: Hunting
Genre: Mostly action, hint of romance
Pairing: Ino/Sakura, hint of Tsunade/Shizune
Rating: PG for violence and a bit of innuendo.
Wordcount: 2,080
Prompt: From
Requested pairings: Ino x Sakura, Tsunade x Shizune, Ino x Temari
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Comments 4
That was a great twist with Ino and Inner Sakura. Also great is the fact that there's a broken cage around Inner Sakura, because that's exactly what I feel has changed with the "new" Sakura.
"But you're right. Hell yeah I'm free! Naruto and Sasuke helped--" She paused, looking annoyed, and then added, "So did you. But I did it myself." Mmmmmm. There are many lines like this one that capture these two and the way they work together, and I'm savouring them. The best is totally Ino's awakening line.
The entire ending is right for this piece, and wonderfully warm and sweet. And I'm amused by the way Ton-ton finds lesbianism familiar and comforting. XD
Thank you!
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