I'm abusing this icon too much, but it's awesome. So stfu. mlekopijca and her last post about shoe-keychains inspired me to write this entry. XD
I'm getting my first payment (in two weeks) and I already know how to totally waste it, despite the fact I have to give back money I borrowed from my grandma (and 4875847 things I need to buy). ;)
DojiCon 2008 Here I come! You can find me 9-10th August in Kraków, at DojiCon. :D Tomorrow I'm going to Tova and then the two of us are going to have much fun together at the con! ♥ ♥ ♥
We're gonna sell some stuff here, bookmarks drawn by me and saharaam.
Hi. I'm alive. Really. Prepare for LJ ABUSE from me. Yeah.
And a poll. Just because.
Poll Just curious.
*points to her icon cheerfully*
PS. Aaaand I got a job, today was my first day. :D Payment sucks, but I need money... PPS. And I need a layout change. Now. >.> I love you Dean, I love you Jo, but it's time for some changes!