"The figure followed the path into the open, at the edge of the lake...it was a woman, a woman in a dress. What woman would be walking around this far out in the Vet Forest, in a dress? Richard approached and stopped three strides away so as not to appear a threat. She stood stright and still, her arms at her side. Her eyebrows had the graceful arch of a raptor's wings in flight. Her green eyes came unafraid to his. The connection was so intense that it threatened to drain his sense of self. He felt that he had always known her, that she had always been a part of him, that her needs were his needs...In her eyes he saw something that attracted him more than anything else. Intelligence. He saw it flaring there, burning in her, and throught it all he felt an overriding sense of her integrity"
Kahlan: "There are not many who would have stood with me…..you are a very rare person, Richard Cypher"
Richard: "There are not many who would have stood as you did"
She stood like that beacuse she is the HBIC of the Midlans, the Mother Confessor herself, you little woods guide! u.u
also, THE SPIRIT HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ------------>
click click!!!!!!!
well, the devotion is great
“Master Rahl guide us. Master Rahl teach us. Master Rahl protect us. In your light we thrive. In your mercy we are sheltered. In your wisdom we are humbled. We live only to serve. Out lives are yours”
but I prefer the other version :p
Kahlan guide me. Kahlan teach me. Kahlan protect me. In your light I thrive. In your mercy I am sheltered. In your wisdom I am humbled. I live only to love you. My life is yours.”
I also loved Denna! <3 and what about The first Con Dar *squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee* and the way Kahlan kills Generall Nass??? "eat them!" yes yes, eat them!!! u.u
Zedd spoke softly. “he did not die for nothing, dear one. He found the box, he has saved everyone. Remember him for doing what no other could have.”
Light mist from the thick clouds that hugged the ground began to dampen their faces.
Kahlan: “I will remember only that I love him, and that I could never tell him”
Stone of Tears:
That's when they want to free the Keeper of the underworld and the Sisters of the light want Richard to go with them to the Palace of the Prophets in the Old World and then everyone is Aydindril wants Kahlan to be death D:
When Kahlan said "wear him , my pet" I was "my pet????she's just called him....MY PET?????????????? D:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I didn't like Sister Verna at the very beginning! her always saying "yes?" was so annoying but I ended up liking her!
lol Shota:
“Shota’s gaze glided from Richard’s eyes and took in his open shirt with what might have been amusement. Or satisfaction. Richard’s face reddened. Shota’s smile widened. ‘How delightfully indecent.’ She ran one of her long, red nails all the way down his chest to his navel, and then she gently patted his stomach. ‘Button your shirt, Richard, or I may forget why I’m here.’”
"you are the bastard son of a bastard son of a bastard son"
The Mother Confessor's dress:
Only the Mother Confessor's was white.It was a mantle of power. In the dress, she was not Kahlan Amnell; she was the Mother Confessor, a symbol of the power of truth
and what about Kahlan leading an army while wearing just white painting?
Kahlan: "Captain, if I'm sitting there naked, and a D'Haran wishes to despoil my honor, how am I to defend myself unless I have a sword?”
Captan Ryan: "but Mother Confessor U're a woman. And not in a way an ugly woman...These are young men..they are...well U can't expect..."
Kahlan: "The D'Haran all know the legend of the Shahari...if the men go into battle, and...that happens ,it will only bring greater fear to the men of the Order".
The stupid Paska! tell her, Richard!
You are a girl and she is a woman, your are a pretty candle and Kahlan is the sunrise
Blood of the Fold:
That's the one where Richard "builts" the Empire. I must confess this book isn't my favourite...it's mainly about Richard...do I need to remind you that my fav character is Kahlan? :p
“None of the Confessors were surprised by her accession to Mother Confessor, and all were pleased because her way was to facilitate agreement, not to dominate, though if someone wrongly opposed her they’d find her cast with as much iron as any Mother Confessor ever born. I’ve never know a Confessor with her passion for the people of the Midlands. I’ve always felt honored know her”
oh, Mord-sith!!!! :D
When a Mord-Sith wore her red leather, it was a statement that she expected there to be a lot of blood, and everyone knew it wasn’t going to be hers
Temple of the Winds:
This book ♥♥♥♥♥♥ it's the Drefan one! :o and also the one when R&K get married!
Stupid Nadine! -.-"
oh, Cara: Get on with the torture before I fall asleep and miss it xD
Soul of the Fire:
In TotW kahlan, in order to save Richar's life, set free the three chimes and now they need to deal with that! :/
That's also the book when the hawkers (I guess that's the name but I'm not sure) beat Kahlan to death D:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *breathes in breathes out* O.O"
Faith of the Fallen:
Since Kahlan needs to recover, Richard brings her and Cara to spend some time in the woods where he grew up;
She didn’t remember dying
She didn’t know his name. The profound anguish so apparent in his eyes told her beyond doubt that she should have. More than her own name, more than life itself, she knew she should have known his name, but she didn’t. Nothing had ever shamed her more.
Thereafter, whenever her own eyes were closed, she saw his, saw not only the helpless suffering in them but also the light of such fierce hope as could only be kindled by righteous love. Somewhere, even in the worst of darkness blanketing her mind, she refused to let the light in his eyes be extinguished by her failure to will herself to live.
At some point, she remembered his name. Most of the time, she remembered it. Sometimes, she didn’t. Sometimes, when pain smothered her, she forgot even her own name.
Now, as Kahlan heard men growling his name, she knew it, she knew him. With tenacious resolution she clung to that name - Richard - and to her memory of him, of who he was, of everything he meant to her.
but then.......NICCI! comes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't like her because of the maternity spell matter but I did like her at the end :)
The Pillars of Creation:
The whole book is about jennsen...she's a little annoying at the beginning since that's obvious it can't be Richard the one who wants to kill her! how can she even think Jagan's is the right side to join??? -.-"
Naked Empire:
That's the bla bla bla book, as I call it xD
and, come on Richard! are you really that stupid???? how could you drink that water after giving it to that unknow guy? it's obvious that's poisoned!!! -.-"
Chainfire trilogy(Chainfire. Phantom, Confessor):
That was soooooooooooooooo annoying that no one could remember who Kahlan was! -.-"
OMG Kahlan was with Jagang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he got her D:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
omg Jagan got also Nicci!!!!!!!
Kahlan + Nicci FTW!
the poor annoying Ann died!
I knew that woman couldn't be Rachel's mother....I didn't figure out that was Shota but I kept thinking she was around and up to something in order to take her revenge against Six!
I figured out how to solve the Chainfire spell since the very beginning Kahlan saw Richard in the Jagang camp..it was obvious she was falling in love with him again!
What i really couldn't imagine was Richard creating another world without magic! :o that is the one where "Laws of nine" is settled, imo! u.u
cara? married? WUT? but squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee xD