Last weekend

May 25, 2004 21:27

Its an okay weekend. Friday we went to Sierra, Sar and I took some pretty sweet pictures (sailors and ballerinas) and some others of andrea we wont talk Saturday I drank too much and Sunday were goin in the Ocean hah Way too much fun! xoxo

andrea really wanted to take this pic of a huge bunny. it was hard bryce drives too fast.

cute picture of abbey and Ian, not too drunk or anything.

ummm andrea and I brought our canoe to Sierra park. some people were staring at us.. weird.

Pink Venus boom box. can u say HOT? blasting through the quiet streets hahahh

aww yes..

i'm so nice to my mom.. i got her flowers for $6.99 at gordon head store and let them wilt in the sun for a couple hours before she got them after dinner..

whatever it looks bad. im telling her something

uhmmm this was before our walk.. i like flowers k

i look happy. also i think my twink beach bag and flower makes me look grown up.

hah they have to slow those things down. They make them way to steep. I like parks..

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