this was going to be WGT review but now it will be just Prague

Jun 04, 2009 05:27

Luckily the crutches were off so I went to Prague feeling quite hopeful that my holiday would not be hampered by injury nor would further injury arise from the various drunken pastimes about to be enjoyed.

Monday night, after my first day as an unemployed dole scum, I got the plane to Prague and showed up at the Blind Eye in Zizkov where the famous Mary Black (my hostess for the first three nights) was already at the bar.  We had quite a pleasant warm-up evening, involving also Suzie, as well as Diego and Lillian who I didn't meet before.  I even partook in the karaoke, making a bit of a mess of the Darkness's "I Believe In A Thing Called Love" but getting the high notes enough to amuse the mainly American punters well.

Tuesday we headed out to meet Nicki from York and Heath from Manchester who were in town doing a bit of pre-WGT tourism.  Marya and I did not get involved in the tourism, so after a lunchtime drink we then had some more drinks in Letna park beer garden until the tourists were finished with the modern art gallery and joined us for another one.  Then over to Zizkov for curry and enjoying a massive thunderstorm, before the tourists called an early night and then it was back to the Blind Eye to be joined by Myc, Bret, Lucie and Suzie for some good drinking and laughing.  Things went on quite late and traumatic table football was involved.

Wednesday Marya was broken but I felt fine and went out to meet Ricky Schloss and Jan for lunch in an Arabic diner, although the latter didn't hang around long as he had car insurance issues to deal with after running over a deer recently.  Few drinks with Rick in the Zizkov beer garden and then later back to Marya's for a rest before meeting Nicki and Heath in Letna for pizza, which was somewhat hampered by the massive building site they've put in by the Sparta stadium.  Took them to the Cross Club to show the mad futuristic/industrial decor and then back to Zizkov where I had a few drinks with Sarka and her friends Lucie and Mike in the Sedm Vlku bar.

Thursday - Leipzig.

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