Time: Neutral
Question For: China, UK, Egypt, Estonia, South Italy, Sweden, Poland, Spain, Lithuania, Iceland, Denmark, France, Norway, Turkey, Germany, Russia, Prussia, Japan, Switzerland
Question: You got mail!
In your mailbox (is/are) a (letter/few letters) from (a/your) fellow nation(s)! Quickly ~ ~ read them! What's your response?
(If you're a nation who has already responded to their letters in the previous post, what is your reaction knowing it was really delivered to you?)
(Any additional responses to the letter?)
China -
[From Vietnam] UK -
[From Hong Kong] [From Sealand] [From America] Egypt -
[From Turkey] Estonia -
[From Latvia] South Italy -
[From Spain] Sweden -
[From Finland] Poland -
[From Lithuania] Spain -
[From South Italy] Lithuania -
[From Poland] [From Estonia] [From Russia] Iceland -
[From Norway] Denmark -
[From Belgium] France -
[From Seychelles] Norway -
[From Denmark] Turkey -
[From Egypt] Germany -
[From Prussia] Russia -
[From Japan] [From Belarus] Prussia -
[From Hungary] Japan -
[From Taiwan] Switzerland -
[From Liechtenstein] [[ S-sorry, Liechtensteinnn ... ]]
= = =
Time: Neutral
Question For: the Nations who
wrote a letter Question: In some odd twist of fate, the deliveryman came by and thought the odd letter you wrote was something that had to be delivered. By the time you got the news of his actions, the letter has already reached its destination. What's your next course of action?
(If you're a nation who has already spoken to their recipient about their letter, are there any additional actions you would do knowing it was really delivered?)
[[ Uh ... setting this question to the "all nations" tag to avoid tagging the 20+ nations involved ... ;;; ]]