Time: Neutral
Question for: Latvia but like, anyone can answer if they have like, any idea.
So, I've totally known this for like, awhile but you're always shaking. I know you're like, totally not cold and that it gets worse whenever Russia's around and stuff. Are you like, afraid of him or something?
Time: Neutral
Question for: Everyone [but like, I totally think Latvia'd appreciate it if like, Liet and Estonia and Sealand were here] [and like, Russia's totally not invited, duh]
I totally don't know if you guys've noticed, but like, Latvia's always shaking! I think its 'cos he's like, way afraid of Russia or something. There's totally nothing to be afraid of though so I'm totally gonna give him like, confidence lessons so he like, won't be afraid anymore! I know, I know I'm like, way generous to a fault! Who wants to help?