Two Sorta Related Questions . . .

Jan 04, 2009 05:22

Time: Present
Question For: All nations
Question: (Comes with a few instructions for the first question, I hope you don't mind;;)

Step 1: Pick a number between 1-41, please ~

Step 2: Find the number you picked and obtain the nation's name next to it!

1. Italy (Veneziano)
2. Italy (Romano)
3. Germany
4. Japan
5. America
6. UK
7. France
8. Russia
9. China
10. Austria
11. Hungary
12. Seychelles
13. Liechtenstein
14. Switzerland
15. Spain
16. Sweden
17. Finland
18. Poland
19. Lithuania
20. Latvia
21. Estonia
22. German (aka. Germania)
23. Roma Antiqua (aka. Rome/Roman)
24. Chibitalia
25. Holy Roman Empire
26. Ukraine
27. Belarus
28. Denmark
29. Norway
30. Prussia
31. Korea
32. Hong Kong
33. Canada
34. Cuba
35. Sealand
36. Egypt
37. Turkey
38. Greece
39. Cyprus

40. Iceland
41. Taiwan

Step 3: Include the number you picked in your answer for Question 1, if you like!

Question 1.
- If you picked someone other than yourself from the list --- an alien has suddenly appeared and swapped the personalities of both you and the person you picked! Oh no! The effects wear off after one week. How do you plan to spend your time?
- If you picked yourself from the list --- the personality-swapping mechanism has instead made you invincible in one field (military strength, economy, etc, take your pick ~) for the next 24 hours! How do you plan to spend your day?

Question 2.
The list above is the official order for the individual trading cards, except #40 and 41 because there no card for them --- (( Whyyy? ))
- For the nations with a card --- what do you think about your position in the deck?
- For the nations without a card --- what's your response to the deck having no card of you? If there was a chance that you'd have a card, where would you like to be on the deck and why?

(( Err sorry if this is all a bit jumbled --- if it's too much, I can remove a question. ))
(( Also, added only the nation_ask nations who didn't have a card to the second list. ))

*present, *all nations

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