wow i can't seem to get a straight answer from my own unit and now it's the week of the 4th so i'm having a hard time getting a hold of anyone.
can someone who uses their education benefits regularly just confirm that i've got this straight.
to use my TA, i apply on after i've registered for classes. and that should be it?
to get my gibill, i just apply on the gi bill .gov website and send in copies of my signature and any other documentation specified in that process. (like i think i need to send my dd214 and kicker contract)
then have my va rep from my school send the va regional office a 22-1999 for verification of enrollment.
then just wait.
i mean, that's it, right?
my problem is that i used TA in another state, but the school and my unit were both very cooperative. when i tried to take classes online last year, that school pretty much screwed me out of my tuition assistance, and i still don't know WHAT went wrong. i know they misinformed me about some procedures, and now i'm just paranoid i'll get screwed again even though that school is history for me. i don't want to register for classes til i know for sure i've got it right.
x-posted to