I'm so fucking ready for you 2019... BRING IT ON!!!
This year I WILL FIND LOVE AGAIN. I'm ready. I don't give a fuck if people understand my new viewpoint on sex. If they want to stay so be it and if not, IT'S THEIR FUCKING LOSS.
I'm also ready to find new friends. Online or in real life. I need them.
I will try to interact with people more.
I always thought talking about politics, sexuality or religion was simply rude. And I've seen what this has done to people in my country so this year I WON'T GET INVOLVED in any debate if it's about any of these topics.
I will try to let go of my past. Still something hard to do but this is the year! <3
My most difficult goal will be to be patient and understanding but I WILL DEFININTELY TRY. I need to for the sake of my parents' health (and also mine)
I will try to eat healthier and do excercise. This hasn't been a resolution before but I need to.
My boss (yeah the one I mentioned in my previous post) just wsd me wishing me a Happy new year so it must be a sign! I will also try to behave at work and accomplish new goals there, despite the venom some mean people throw at me there.
I don't need any negativity or sadness in my life so I will definitely stay away from toxic people.
I wish for all the people I care about, even those who are now part of my past or are not talking to me anymore, to be healthy, happy and loved. I pray for that. I wish they know I'm still here in case they need me. I believe in second chances and long talks while drinking chai tea or coffee. Everything can be sorted out.
I'm looking forward to trips either in March or October and for concerts in good company (first one will be The Gazette in may with Gonza - still friends since we studied korean together)
Happy New Year dear journal!!! :D