
Sep 21, 2005 10:13

Spam entry number 3 ( Read more... )

scissors, sewing

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Comments 4

happyworld September 21 2005, 14:19:03 UTC
Let's go to Ikea next week and find a fabric shop in Atlanta that will fix them while we're out there.


natsumi September 21 2005, 14:31:06 UTC
Oooooh, Ikea. :-)


happyworld September 21 2005, 14:33:03 UTC
Let's do it! It'll be a special present to us, plus you know I kinda have to go there to get that gift certificate and all. It just has to be done.


bonelesspuppy September 21 2005, 14:33:11 UTC
If you hadn't put in that "don't suggest one of those do it yourself sharpening things," I would have started generating some great ideas for an afternoon of guaranteed fun. Shucks.


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