Title: Sakumoto Drabble Batch 4
Rating: G - R
Characters/Pairings: Sho/Jun
Word count: 3901
Summary: 14 drabbles of various lengths and topics-from ramen to god-awful fluff to existential angst.
Warnings/Notes: Always the ever-reliable drabbles when I want to write but can’t seem to commit. Incorporated some prompts that I got from
tumblr, wee! (PS
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Comments 21
i like them all ^^
CONCERT: 5x15 + RED VELVET CAKE << what i reacted with the most XDD
thank you for sharing these, ganbattee!
Thanks for writing!
"Equals" and "2:18 AM" really hit me right in the kokoro.... their insecurities, and gaaahhhh omg i don't know how to put this into words....
Hehe and I hope us fans will really get to see a ShoJun hug like what happened in "Concert: 5x15" one day :)
But I think my favourite was "Migraine"!! Sho, are you flirting with Jun? *wink wink nudge nudge*
“I’d like the proprietor of Matsumoto Pharmacy please.” --> THIS. Just bwahahaha :P
Thanks for the drabbles!!
Ah, something about musing what their insecurities could be guts me, in a good way. And yes, crossing my fingers, my everything, for a 5x15 hug!
i am so utterly in love with your writing and your awesome portrayal of sakumoto ♥
i love the tone of each and every one ..of these wonderful drabbles. some were so raw. some were so fun. some were just filled with kinks, red velvet yum. (more reason to love this cake).
Also~ love the Justin Timberlake add..right at the end. LOOOVE it.
Thanks for sharing!
...was the JT reference too much? But yes, I'm so stupidly in love with that song too! :)
I hope that part in 5x15 will really happen ><
Thank you for this :D
You're welcome! ♥
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