Title: Realistic Dreams (1/3)
Rating : G
Pairing :One Sided ! WonKyu
Genre : Romance, Angst
Words : 555
Summary : Kyuhyun Loves Siwon with all his heart, But Siwon desn't fell the same way
It all started as a game, something no one knew that would spiral out of control.Everyone wanted to try it but they did not own the courage, For if you lost it all ended with death, But if you Won riches would befall you.
"SIWON !"Kyuhyun yesll as he abruptly stops in front of the other who was clad in a white shirt and a pair of cargo pants lined up behind a line of similarly dressed men.
"Don't do this Please! Don't Do This , I Beg of You !" Kyuhyun begs as the line slowly progresses towards the grey box at the end.
The Hideous box, so out of place in the pristine white room that went on forever. It's odd blukyness felt so out of place in the plain white room. It's silver paint now a drab grey already peeling off, and the offensive red curtain now a faded maroon complete the ridiculous appearance of the box.
"Please Don't" Kyuhyun sobs, tears already streaming down his handsome face, pale cheeks drenched with tears.
Siwon stops in his place turns and wipes away the tears, "I'm Sorry Kyu," Siwon was upset but he didn't show it, He couldn't break down in front of his lover, Not after putting him through this. Siwon couldn't believe it his, stony, emotionless lover, always ready with a snappy comeback, was in tears begging and crying in front of him.
"Siwon, Please leave" Kyuhyun begs again.
"Kyuhyunnie, I can't leave I made a deal, I have to keep my end of the bargain,"Siwon says calmly to the crying man in front of him
"Siwon PLEASE ! You can leave, You can You just have to try hard enough !" Kyuhyun wails
"Kyuhyun ! Don't Make this any harder than it is already ! Leave now ! Please ! " Siwon yells, his words bouncing off the white walls. No one flinched, It was as if they were in their own worlds, Nothing else mattered.
"Go Kyuhyunnie, Go Now" Siwon whispers, broken. His eyes on the ground. If he was looking at his young lover, He would have seen the way Kyuhyun pulled his jacket tighter around himself, and tightened the scarf around his neck.
"Siwon, I've been in your place, My bet was my life. It was hard but i fought it, Now it's your Turn, Just don't give in"Kyuhyun whispers as the slowly walks away.
The wind flows through his hair, And the shuffling of feet are the only things Siown registers in his sub concious, Still battling against the hold of the unknown taking over him, His eyes were blank souless and he shuffles to the box at the end.
But somewhere deep inside He remembers his time with Kyuhyun, Their Love, Their kisses Their Hugs , everything his not ready to give up on, He blinks, again and again untill the fuzziness is gone from his eyes. He notes the figure walking away, Slowly walking away from him.
His Kyuhyun
With immense effort, He wrenches himself away from the force thats holding him down, Running after the distant figure to the east. Everystep he took towards the walking figure the easier his strides became.
"KYUHYUN !" Siwon yells, when he is merelt 10 feet away, strangely there was no reply.
"Kyuhyun?"Siwon asks quizzically, as he spins the other around to face him.
Only to be greeted with the blank souless eyes of his lover