Too Little Too late.

Jun 02, 2012 17:18

Title: Wanting More
Rating : G
Pairing :WonKyu
Genre : Romance, Angst
Summary : Kyuhyun Loves Siwon with all his heart, But Siwon desn't fell the same way. YET .

Kyuhyun sometimes wonders what's it like to have someone love you, He sits by the window eyery morning for the past month contemplating his decisions in life, Strangely It becomes a ritual to have a cup of steaming honey laced coffee in his hands as he thinks.

About a month ago, the confrontation with Sungmin, left him with more questions than answers

"Kyuhyunnie, Do you like Siwon?" Sungmin asked. Kyuhyun smiled akwardly,

"I Do"

"Then Go after him" His roomate smiles

3 weeks ago, Kyuhyun remember, Siwon blantant Confession to his face,'His love to Sungmin'

Kyuhyun smiles lazily as he remembers the way his lips felt on Siwons about a fortnight ago, A drinking session he indulged himself. Only Sungmin knew what happened, No one else knew his secret.

Siwon loves Sungmin, Kyuhyun knew. Everyone did, No one said anything eventhough Sungmin and Henry were together. They didn't want to hurt him, neither did Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun remembers exactly 9 days ago Siwon pulled him aside, After a guest starring on Strongheart.

"Kyu, will you give me a chance?" Siwon asked.

Kyuhyun looked at him wide-eyed and confused, "What for Hyung?" Kyuhyun answered nonchantly.Cocking his head to the side, smirking at Siwon.

"A chance at us, Wait for me, Please?" Kyuhyun can't believe his ears, The words his been waiting to hear since forever. Now here.

"And why should I ?"Kyuhyun retorts.

"Because I really Really Like you, Wait no Love you , But not yet." Siwon said "Please?"

"I'll Try "

Kyu continues to watch the happenings outside his window, A little Boy and His Dog, running around in the garden below, His mother yelling for them to becareful.

"Kyu ! "Siwon calls happily barging into the youngers room unexpectadly. The cup of coffee, in his hands almost slip.

"Yeah Hyung?"

"Let's Go for a walk ! It's a Great Day for a walk !" Siwon says enthusiastcally .

This is how Kyuhyun finds himself in the park on a cloudy day walking next to the man he loves. Just enjoying the slight patches of sun a nd wind against his face. This goes on for the next month, Siwon showing up unexpectatly and Kyuhyun following him to wherever he wants.

Kyuhyun loves the way his back is pressed against Siwons broad chest their hearts beating together in sync.

I Love You So Much. I'm Not Like Sungmin, When will you see that ?

Kyuhyun pushes those nasty thoughts to the back of his mind, Instead he finds himself snuggling deepeer into the comforting warmth Siwon seems to radiat unintentionally.


Kyuhyun thinks he's imagining it, He doesn't want to believe it. He Doesn't but there's no way he can face the fact that Siwon might still be i love with Sungmin. Kyuhyun wants to give Siwon the benefit of the doubt but the next words he say in his sleep freezes him in is tracks

Minnie.. I Love You........

Kyuhyun holds back a sob as he slowly untangles himself from Siwon embrace, The one he felt so safe and warm in,

He slowly tiptoes out, only sparing Siwon a glance.

Why Siwon, Why? I Love You So Much Siwon, Why can't you see that ?

sungmin, siwon, kyuhyun

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