Of Creating Quotes by GameSus

Jan 10, 2012 01:22

Title: Of Creating Quotes by GameSus
Rating : Pg-13 ,accept for the occasional swear words
Pairings: WonKyu,Slight Haehyuk, And Hanchul to come
Genre: Fluff and attmepted crack, Tell me if i passed
Authors: Nattie & fickleminded9
Authors Notes: Not Beta'd just for you knowledge, Comments and Cookies R loves !

Kyuhyun smirked as he hid behind the door.
He had his target locked -- or rather, targets to be exact.

Leeteuk was the first to arrive. He had no idea what was going to hit him -- literally.
*bam!* the door swung forward, hitting the leader straight smack on the face.

The evil magnae held back his laughter as he watched his hyung's expression change from one of confusion, then annoyance.

"Yah! Who did this?!" Leeteuk yelled, pulling at the door to see who was on the other side.
Kyuhyun immidiately ran, leaving the elder man dumbfounded on the spot.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Cho Kyuhyun." an all-too-familliar voice sounded from behind.

"Ahh, Siwon hyung." Kyuhyun greeted, unable to contain his laughter any longer.
"You know, you should treat your hyungs with respect." Siwon told his dongsaeng.
"Aww, hyung. I was just having a little fun."

"Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves:
for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account,
that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you." Siwon quoted -- something he had been doing for the past few days now

"Stupid Siwon,"Kyuhyun muttered, Trudging back to his confines grudgingly, not happy at his Favourite Hyung.

"Hmphh" He huffed wanting revenge soon, "Soon it struck him, Why not show Siwon a taste of his own medicine"
"Hyukkie, and Donghae -Hyung !!" Kyuhyun yelled out his door, calling for his 2 most playful hyungs,suprising everyone especially Leeteuk, whom thought the youngest would be sulking at Siwons telling off,
"Hyung" Kyuhyun whined,"Will you please help me?" He stared pleadingly at his hyungs whom were eyeing him skeptically.

"Please?" He asked once again eyes big and pleading

"Fine,Fine, What?" They asked finally giving in.

"This is what i want you to do" Kyuhyun smirked happily, His Hyungs not liking the look on his face, and happy they weren't his target,-- For now.

Kyuhyun was lounging around the dorm later that day with his PSP in hand, Anyone whom looked at him would have thought he wasn't paying attention or such but the Magnae had a beautiful talent of multitasking,
SO when Siwon finally entered the dorm tired form the days schedule he wasn't the least bit suprised to find the magnae in the corner of the living room, playing his PSP --once again.

"Hey Kyu !" He called out. receiving no answer so he walked back his room and pulled on some more comfortable clothes and slipped back out to his Magnae.

"Hello hyung" he said brightly motioning to the hiding EunHae couple to come forward with the bucket of slime already in their arms.

"OH Siwonnie !" Eunhyuk whistled casually making sure the bucket was in place, just as Siwon turned around the bucket tipped and a whole goo of slime came falling out right onto Siwon, whom amazingly was not angry (come to think of it , not suprising)

"Kyu, " He asked cheerily, "Waiting for an answer to this madness"

"Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves:
for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account,
that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you,Your Words Hyung, "

"Well, these are mine" Kyuhyun paused

"Obey no one so only no one may conquer thee, 
Never submit oneself, for ones soul must never be watched over,
and Joy shall be shared with the Victims of one's prank !" Kyuhyun said happily dancing with Glee .

As Siwon slowly walked to the bathroom leaving a trail of brown goo in it's midst Siwon could faintly heart Kyuhyun rejoicing at his win.

"Kyuhyun 1,Siwon 0 " He said happily as he jotted it down in his black book of pictures

eunhyuk, siwon, kyuhyun, donghae

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