lyrics/music: 池田森 Ikeda Shigeru
vocal: 佐藤ひろ美 Satou Hiromi
最近気が付けば とりあえず とか しょうがない が増えた
世の中で生きるには 妥協とか打算が必要だからと 言い訳ばかり…
ココロではぼやくのさ ホントは違う とか なんだかんだと
lately i've come to realize that i keep saying words like "for the time being" or "it can't be helped"
it's 'cause compromise and calculation are necessary to make it in this world -- but that ain't nothing but excuses...
a voice nags in the back of my mind that that ain't the way it's supposed to be
abandoning the job of polishing the thing that was trying to shine right in the middle,
今日もまた 1日が過ぎてしまった
another day is gone
そりゃあまぁ昔程 楽ではないよね 背負うものも増えて
お気楽なままでは もう いられない事は分りすぎてるけど
well, things ain't as easy as they used to be, there's more burden to bear
i know very well that i can't stay in my comfort zone ain't no more
このままじゃ どこに流れ着くのだろう
行く宛の見えない僕らのミライ 光り輝けるものにしたいんだ
if we let things stay as they are, where will time take us?
i can't see where our future is headed for, but i want it to shine with radiant brilliance
真夜中のキッチンで眠れずに タバコふかして闇を照らし
イグスリがぶ飲みしてもまだ なにかがキリキリ斬り付ける
明日の朝も迫り来るし 少しは寝なくちゃいけないのに
ずっと何かが足りないから 僕を覚醒させる その言葉は
awake in the kitchen in the dead of the night, i puff on a cigarette, illuminating the darkness
even after gulping down some stomache medicine something keeps stabbing at my insides
the dawn to a new day is drawing closer so i gotta get some shuteye
but all this time there's something missing; the word that made me open my eyes:
生きる 生きる
live... live...
恐いものなんか なにひとつなかった昔は昔で
現在は 守るべき人や 守る物 大切にしながら
just like in the past there ain't nothing for me to fear
now, while i take good care of the people and things i gotta protect,
ゆっくりと 流れを作ればいい
ホントは知っている僕らのミライ 光り輝けるものにする為に
i'll just take my time and find my own groove
in truth, i know what our future is gonna be, and in order to make it shine with radiant brilliance...
やりたいように生きてやるんだ 思いのままに生きればいいんだ
ひとり抱えきれなくても たまには誰かと笑えば 解決
時にもみくちゃに踏まれても 笑顔で拳つきあげりゃいい
僕が僕らしくあるために 僕を覚醒させる その言葉は
i'm gonna live doing what i want, i'll just live the way i feel like
sometimes if matters get too much for me to handle alone, i'll just find someone to laugh and solve them with
at times i'll find myself mobbed and stepped on, but with a grin i'll just throw at them a punch
in order to stay true to myself, the word that made me open my eyes:
生きる 生きる
live... live...
to attain freedom for real
to realize the future i've long dreamt of
for a present where i'm able to smile
to become a person i can love
to have it all in my grasp
生きる 生きる 生きれやる 生きてやれ 生きる
live... live... i will live... i'm gonna live... live...
tried to make it sound ossan-ish and all but ehhh...
originally performed by Ikeda Shigeru, covered by Satou Hiromi for the Amber World single with lovely piano arrangement.
i found
this interview concerning solely the coupling song an interesting read.... i didn't know much about Satou before.
original version can be heard
here. ...ah, hanabi would have been a nice song to cover too~