get the regret over
lyrics: ふみゃ Fumya
music/arrange: Shade
vocal: 片霧烈火 Katakiri Rekka
Because you had been swallowing the honestly wish,
I thought (that) you were same feelings as me.
because you had been swallowing the honest wish,
i thought that you had the same feelings as me.
胸の奥底に灼きついた いつかの声 「どうか君の行く手が 穏やかでありますように」
ああ 祈りの灯火を 奪われ 掻き消されたまま 冷たい石畳へ打ちのめされても
burned deep into the recesses of my chest is a voice that once said, "may your path ahead be an easy one."
ah, even if i get beaten down to the cold stone pavement, my light of hope snatched away from me and snuffed out
i will not give up
幾千も幾万も ただ斬り結んできた 打ちつける白刃の海を越え
遠い遠い君の手を つかまえて引き寄せて 取り戻して帰ろう
失った願いと まどろみも 君にあるべきものだから
all this time i have clashed the swords of thousands upon thousands, i have endured the tidal onslaught of blades
i will catch your hand -- so far, far away -- pull you into my arms, and take you home
because you deserve the wish you lost and a good rest
伏せたまつげから落ちる影が隠したのは 暴ききれない 君の胸に刺さる棘なんだろう
ああ その身のきせきを 咎めるものがあるのなら
全てを統べる何かに逆らうとしても 君を助けに行こう
the shadow casted by your lowered lashes must be concealing the unexposed thorns pricking your chest
ah... should anyone condemn your trajectory
i would come to your aid, even if i must defy the laws that govern all
吹きつける砂礫と弓形に切れた空 轟々と鳴り響く鬨の声
誰しもが 懸けるものを手に 打ち鳴らす剣戟も何一つ壊せない
勝ち残る両肩に罪を負い いつか たどりつくからね
gravel flies as the air is sliced in arches amid the thunderous echoes of battle cry
ah, risking what anyone would, nothing can destroy me, not even the clanging steel ←?????????
i will survive and carry the crime on my two shoulders, because i must reach you one day
その眼差しと同じものを見よう 君が世界に何をもたらしても
i will look into eyes likes yours, no matter what you bring about to the world
幾千も幾万も ただ斬り結んできた 打ちつける白刃の海を越え
遠い遠い君の手を つかまえて引き寄せて 取り戻して帰ろう
失った願いと まどろみも 君にあるべきものだから いつだって
どうか その頬に木漏れ日を
all this time i have clashed the swords of thousands upon thousands, i have endured the tidal onslaught of blades
i will catch your hand -- so far, far away -- pull you into my arms, and take you home
because you deserve the wish you lost and a good rest, always
i pray for the light to shine through the leaves onto your cheeks
ここじゃない何処かで安らぎを得られたら ああ いつの日か きっと
かつて聞かせてくれなかった 胸に秘めた言葉を いつか聞かせて欲しいんだ
そう 眠りに落ちるまで
when we attain peace somewhere far from here, ah, some day, surely
i want you to tell me the words you wouldn't say that other day, the words you kept inside
yes, until i drift off to sleep
...ahaha. oh the load of crap i invent. will i never learn to write normally?