Age: 30
Born On: Nov 8, 73 at 1:12 pm.
Celebrity Crush(es): Tom Cruise, Johnny Depp
Dream Job: I have it now
Erratic Behavior: I cannot stand walking on carpet in shoes. I take them all ALL the time.
Funniest Memory: Most current funny memory: Playing “Loaded Questions” with Donna, Rich, Rowan, and Destiny.
Good Friends: Shellie, Beth, Karleen - they probably know me the best.
Height: 5' 7"
Interesting Tidbit Nobody Knows: I will spend obscene amounts of money on shoes. OBSCENE.
Job: Graphics Design and Sales Assistant for KHWD.
Kindled Emotion Last Experienced: Talking to someone I know isn’t for me.
Love Interest: Given up on it. Completely.
Movie You Last Saw: In a theater? Shrek 2, Rented? The Butterfly Effect
Name: Heather
Outward Appearance You Are Looking For: Not to terribly picky, just be taller than me and have great arms.
Pet Peeve(s): Explaining myself three different ways and having people still stare at me like I am speaking Greek.
Reason for Completing Survey: Waiting on the printer
Song That is Your Favorite: Mercy Me: I Can Only Imagine (because of who it reminds me of)
Television Show: For Love or Money
Underlying Phobia(s): water and spiders
Vision/Dream You Recently Had: No clue. I push myself so hard during the day, I just crash when I sleep.
Weather You Like Best: thunderstorms with big black and purple clouds and lightening.
Xtreme Outfit You Own: Short black skirt, low cut red lace shirt and 5” heels… and yes, I wear the shoes a lot!
Y: Because the shoes just are HOT!
Zodiac Sign: 100% Scorpio.